Abstract:Existing methods for anomaly detection often fall short due to their inability to handle the complexity, heterogeneity, and high dimensionality inherent in real-world mobility data. In this paper, we propose DeepBayesic, a novel framework that integrates Bayesian principles with deep neural networks to model the underlying multivariate distributions from sparse and complex datasets. Unlike traditional models, DeepBayesic is designed to manage heterogeneous inputs, accommodating both continuous and categorical data to provide a more comprehensive understanding of mobility patterns. The framework features customized neural density estimators and hybrid architectures, allowing for flexibility in modeling diverse feature distributions and enabling the use of specialized neural networks tailored to different data types. Our approach also leverages agent embeddings for personalized anomaly detection, enhancing its ability to distinguish between normal and anomalous behaviors for individual agents. We evaluate our approach on several mobility datasets, demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods. Our results indicate that incorporating personalization and advanced sequence modeling techniques can substantially enhance the ability to detect subtle and complex anomalies in spatiotemporal event sequences.
Abstract:The James-Stein (JS) shrinkage estimator is a biased estimator that captures the mean of Gaussian random vectors.While it has a desirable statistical property of dominance over the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) in terms of mean squared error (MSE), not much progress has been made on extending the estimator onto manifold-valued data. We propose C-SURE, a novel Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE) of the JS estimator on the manifold of complex-valued data with a theoretically proven optimum over MLE. Adapting the architecture of the complex-valued SurReal classifier, we further incorporate C-SURE into a prototype convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier. We compare C-SURE with SurReal and a real-valued baseline on complex-valued MSTAR and RadioML datasets. C-SURE is more accurate and robust than SurReal, and the shrinkage estimator is always better than MLE for the same prototype classifier. Like SurReal, C-SURE is much smaller, outperforming the real-valued baseline on MSTAR (RadioML) with less than 1 percent (3 percent) of the baseline size