Abstract:We propose a novel high-fidelity expressive speech synthesis model, UniTTS, that learns and controls overlapping style attributes avoiding interference. UniTTS represents multiple style attributes in a single unified embedding space by the residuals between the phoneme embeddings before and after applying the attributes. The proposed method is especially effective in controlling multiple attributes that are difficult to separate cleanly, such as speaker ID and emotion, because it minimizes redundancy when adding variance in speaker ID and emotion, and additionally, predicts duration, pitch, and energy based on the speaker ID and emotion. In experiments, the visualization results exhibit that the proposed methods learned multiple attributes harmoniously in a manner that can be easily separated again. As well, UniTTS synthesized high-fidelity speech signals controlling multiple style attributes. The synthesized speech samples are presented at https://jackson-kang.github.io/paper_works/UniTTS/demos.
Abstract:We propose an end-to-end speech synthesizer, Fast DCTTS, that synthesizes speech in real time on a single CPU thread. The proposed model is composed of a carefully-tuned lightweight network designed by applying multiple network reduction and fidelity improvement techniques. In addition, we propose a novel group highway activation that can compromise between computational efficiency and the regularization effect of the gating mechanism. As well, we introduce a new metric called Elastic mel-cepstral distortion (EMCD) to measure the fidelity of the output mel-spectrogram. In experiments, we analyze the effect of the acceleration techniques on speed and speech quality. Compared with the baseline model, the proposed model exhibits improved MOS from 2.62 to 2.74 with only 1.76% computation and 2.75% parameters. The speed on a single CPU thread was improved by 7.45 times, which is fast enough to produce mel-spectrogram in real time without GPU.