Abstract:High-quality semantic segmentation relies on three key capabilities: global context modeling, local detail encoding, and multi-scale feature extraction. However, recent methods struggle to possess all these capabilities simultaneously. Hence, we aim to empower segmentation networks to simultaneously carry out efficient global context modeling, high-quality local detail encoding, and rich multi-scale feature representation for varying input resolutions. In this paper, we introduce SegMAN, a novel linear-time model comprising a hybrid feature encoder dubbed SegMAN Encoder, and a decoder based on state space models. Specifically, the SegMAN Encoder synergistically integrates sliding local attention with dynamic state space models, enabling highly efficient global context modeling while preserving fine-grained local details. Meanwhile, the MMSCopE module in our decoder enhances multi-scale context feature extraction and adaptively scales with the input resolution. We comprehensively evaluate SegMAN on three challenging datasets: ADE20K, Cityscapes, and COCO-Stuff. For instance, SegMAN-B achieves 52.6% mIoU on ADE20K, outperforming SegNeXt-L by 1.6% mIoU while reducing computational complexity by over 15% GFLOPs. On Cityscapes, SegMAN-B attains 83.8% mIoU, surpassing SegFormer-B3 by 2.1% mIoU with approximately half the GFLOPs. Similarly, SegMAN-B improves upon VWFormer-B3 by 1.6% mIoU with lower GFLOPs on the COCO-Stuff dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/yunxiangfu2001/SegMAN.
Abstract:Due to the capability of dynamic state space models (SSMs) in capturing long-range dependencies with near-linear computational complexity, Mamba has shown notable performance in NLP tasks. This has inspired the rapid development of Mamba-based vision models, resulting in promising results in visual recognition tasks. However, such models are not capable of distilling features across layers through feature aggregation, interaction, and selection. Moreover, existing cross-layer feature aggregation methods designed for CNNs or ViTs are not practical in Mamba-based models due to high computational costs. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce an efficient cross-layer feature aggregation mechanism for Mamba-based vision backbone networks. Inspired by the Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) in the human visual system, we propose a new sparse cross-layer connection mechanism termed SparX to effectively improve cross-layer feature interaction and reuse. Specifically, we build two different types of network layers: ganglion layers and normal layers. The former has higher connectivity and complexity, enabling multi-layer feature aggregation and interaction in an input-dependent manner. In contrast, the latter has lower connectivity and complexity. By interleaving these two types of layers, we design a new vision backbone network with sparsely cross-connected layers, achieving an excellent trade-off among model size, computational cost, memory cost, and accuracy in comparison to its counterparts. For instance, with fewer parameters, SparX-Mamba-T improves the top-1 accuracy of VMamba-T from 82.5% to 83.5%, while SparX-Swin-T achieves a 1.3% increase in top-1 accuracy compared to Swin-T. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our new connection mechanism possesses both superior performance and generalization capabilities on various vision tasks.
Abstract:Automated classification of liver lesions in multi-phase CT and MR scans is of clinical significance but challenging. This study proposes a novel Siamese Dual-Resolution Transformer (SDR-Former) framework, specifically designed for liver lesion classification in 3D multi-phase CT and MR imaging with varying phase counts. The proposed SDR-Former utilizes a streamlined Siamese Neural Network (SNN) to process multi-phase imaging inputs, possessing robust feature representations while maintaining computational efficiency. The weight-sharing feature of the SNN is further enriched by a hybrid Dual-Resolution Transformer (DR-Former), comprising a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a tailored 3D Transformer for processing high- and low-resolution images, respectively. This hybrid sub-architecture excels in capturing detailed local features and understanding global contextual information, thereby, boosting the SNN's feature extraction capabilities. Additionally, a novel Adaptive Phase Selection Module (APSM) is introduced, promoting phase-specific intercommunication and dynamically adjusting each phase's influence on the diagnostic outcome. The proposed SDR-Former framework has been validated through comprehensive experiments on two clinical datasets: a three-phase CT dataset and an eight-phase MR dataset. The experimental results affirm the efficacy of the proposed framework. To support the scientific community, we are releasing our extensive multi-phase MR dataset for liver lesion analysis to the public. This pioneering dataset, being the first publicly available multi-phase MR dataset in this field, also underpins the MICCAI LLD-MMRI Challenge. The dataset is accessible at:https://bit.ly/3IyYlgN.
Abstract:Recent studies have integrated convolution into transformers to introduce inductive bias and improve generalization performance. However, the static nature of conventional convolution prevents it from dynamically adapting to input variations, resulting in a representation discrepancy between convolution and self-attention as self-attention calculates attention matrices dynamically. Furthermore, when stacking token mixers that consist of convolution and self-attention to form a deep network, the static nature of convolution hinders the fusion of features previously generated by self-attention into convolution kernels. These two limitations result in a sub-optimal representation capacity of the constructed networks. To find a solution, we propose a lightweight Dual Dynamic Token Mixer (D-Mixer) that aggregates global information and local details in an input-dependent way. D-Mixer works by applying an efficient global attention module and an input-dependent depthwise convolution separately on evenly split feature segments, endowing the network with strong inductive bias and an enlarged effective receptive field. We use D-Mixer as the basic building block to design TransXNet, a novel hybrid CNN-Transformer vision backbone network that delivers compelling performance. In the ImageNet-1K image classification task, TransXNet-T surpasses Swin-T by 0.3\% in top-1 accuracy while requiring less than half of the computational cost. Furthermore, TransXNet-S and TransXNet-B exhibit excellent model scalability, achieving top-1 accuracy of 83.8\% and 84.6\% respectively, with reasonable computational costs. Additionally, our proposed network architecture demonstrates strong generalization capabilities in various dense prediction tasks, outperforming other state-of-the-art networks while having lower computational costs.