Abstract:Human languages have evolved to be structured through repeated language learning and use. These processes introduce biases that operate during language acquisition and shape linguistic systems toward communicative efficiency. In this paper, we investigate whether the same happens if artificial languages are optimised for implicit biases of Large Language Models (LLMs). To this end, we simulate a classical referential game in which LLMs learn and use artificial languages. Our results show that initially unstructured holistic languages are indeed shaped to have some structural properties that allow two LLM agents to communicate successfully. Similar to observations in human experiments, generational transmission increases the learnability of languages, but can at the same time result in non-humanlike degenerate vocabularies. Taken together, this work extends experimental findings, shows that LLMs can be used as tools in simulations of language evolution, and opens possibilities for future human-machine experiments in this field.
Abstract:Natural language has the universal properties of being compositional and grounded in reality. The emergence of linguistic properties is often investigated through simulations of emergent communication in referential games. However, these experiments have yielded mixed results compared to similar experiments addressing linguistic properties of human language. Here we address representational alignment as a potential contributing factor to these results. Specifically, we assess the representational alignment between agent image representations and between agent representations and input images. Doing so, we confirm that the emergent language does not appear to encode human-like conceptual visual features, since agent image representations drift away from inputs whilst inter-agent alignment increases. We moreover identify a strong relationship between inter-agent alignment and topographic similarity, a common metric for compositionality, and address its consequences. To address these issues, we introduce an alignment penalty that prevents representational drift but interestingly does not improve performance on a compositional discrimination task. Together, our findings emphasise the key role representational alignment plays in simulations of language emergence.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are applied to all sorts of creative tasks, and their outputs vary from beautiful, to peculiar, to pastiche, into plain plagiarism. The temperature parameter of an LLM regulates the amount of randomness, leading to more diverse outputs; therefore, it is often claimed to be the creativity parameter. Here, we investigate this claim using a narrative generation task with a predetermined fixed context, model and prompt. Specifically, we present an empirical analysis of the LLM output for different temperature values using four necessary conditions for creativity in narrative generation: novelty, typicality, cohesion, and coherence. We find that temperature is weakly correlated with novelty, and unsurprisingly, moderately correlated with incoherence, but there is no relationship with either cohesion or typicality. However, the influence of temperature on creativity is far more nuanced and weak than suggested by the "creativity parameter" claim; overall results suggest that the LLM generates slightly more novel outputs as temperatures get higher. Finally, we discuss ideas to allow more controlled LLM creativity, rather than relying on chance via changing the temperature parameter.
Abstract:This study examines the ability of GPT-3.5, GPT-3.5-turbo (ChatGPT) and GPT-4 models to generate poems in the style of specific authors using zero-shot and many-shot prompts (which use the maximum context length of 8192 tokens). We assess the performance of models that are not fine-tuned for generating poetry in the style of specific authors, via automated evaluation. Our findings indicate that without fine-tuning, even when provided with the maximum number of 17 poem examples (8192 tokens) in the prompt, these models do not generate poetry in the desired style.