Abstract:Feature-based methods are commonly used to explain model predictions, but these methods often implicitly assume that interpretable features are readily available. However, this is often not the case for high-dimensional data, and it can be hard even for domain experts to mathematically specify which features are important. Can we instead automatically extract collections or groups of features that are aligned with expert knowledge? To address this gap, we present FIX (Features Interpretable to eXperts), a benchmark for measuring how well a collection of features aligns with expert knowledge. In collaboration with domain experts, we have developed feature interpretability objectives across diverse real-world settings and unified them into a single framework that is the FIX benchmark. We find that popular feature-based explanation methods have poor alignment with expert-specified knowledge, highlighting the need for new methods that can better identify features interpretable to experts.
Abstract:Upcoming photometric surveys will discover tens of thousands of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), vastly outpacing the capacity of our spectroscopic resources. In order to maximize the science return of these observations in the absence of spectroscopic information, we must accurately extract key parameters, such as SN redshifts, with photometric information alone. We present Photo-zSNthesis, a convolutional neural network-based method for predicting full redshift probability distributions from multi-band supernova lightcurves, tested on both simulated Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Vera C. Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) data as well as observed SDSS SNe. We show major improvements over predictions from existing methods on both simulations and real observations as well as minimal redshift-dependent bias, which is a challenge due to selection effects, e.g. Malmquist bias. The PDFs produced by this method are well-constrained and will maximize the cosmological constraining power of photometric SNe Ia samples.
Abstract:One of the brightest objects in the universe, supernovae (SNe) are powerful explosions marking the end of a star's lifetime. Supernova (SN) type is defined by spectroscopic emission lines, but obtaining spectroscopy is often logistically unfeasible. Thus, the ability to identify SNe by type using time-series image data alone is crucial, especially in light of the increasing breadth and depth of upcoming telescopes. We present a convolutional neural network method for fast supernova time-series classification, with observed brightness data smoothed in both the wavelength and time directions with Gaussian process regression. We apply this method to full duration and truncated SN time-series, to simulate retrospective as well as real-time classification performance. Retrospective classification is used to differentiate cosmologically useful Type Ia SNe from other SN types, and this method achieves >99% accuracy on this task. We are also able to differentiate between 6 SN types with 60% accuracy given only two nights of data and 98% accuracy retrospectively.
Abstract:We present a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for the separation of astrophysical transients from image artifacts, a task known as "real-bogus" classification, that does not rely on Difference Image Analysis (DIA) which is a computationally expensive process involving image matching on small spatial scales in large volumes of data. We explore the use of CNNs to (1) automate the "real-bogus" classification, (2) reduce the computational costs of transient discovery. We compare the efficiency of two CNNs with similar architectures, one that uses "image triplets" (templates, search, and the corresponding difference image) and one that adopts a similar architecture but takes as input the template and search only. Without substantially changing the model architecture or retuning the hyperparameters to the new input, we observe only a small decrease in model efficiency (97% to 92% accuracy). We further investigate how the model that does not receive the difference image learns the required information from the template and search by exploring the saliency maps. Our work demonstrates that (1) CNNs are excellent models for "real-bogus" classification that rely exclusively on the imaging data and require no feature engineering task; (2) high-accuracy models can be built without the need to construct difference images. Since once trained, neural networks can generate predictions at minimal computational costs, we argue that future implementations of this methodology could dramatically reduce the computational costs in the detection of genuine transients in synoptic surveys like Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time by bypassing the DIA step entirely.