Abstract:3D hand pose estimation from images has seen considerable interest from the literature, with new methods improving overall 3D accuracy. One current challenge is to address hand-to-hand interaction where self-occlusions and finger articulation pose a significant problem to estimation. Little work has applied physical constraints that minimize the hand intersections that occur as a result of noisy estimation. This work addresses the intersection of hands by exploiting an occupancy network that represents the hand's volume as a continuous manifold. This allows us to model the probability distribution of points being inside a hand. We designed an intersection loss function to minimize the likelihood of hand-to-point intersections. Moreover, we propose a new hand mesh parameterization that is superior to the commonly used MANO model in many respects including lower mesh complexity, underlying 3D skeleton extraction, watertightness, etc. On the benchmark InterHand2.6M dataset, the models trained using our intersection loss achieve better results than the state-of-the-art by significantly decreasing the number of hand intersections while lowering the mean per-joint positional error. Additionally, we demonstrate superior performance for 3D hand uplift on Re:InterHand and SMILE datasets and show reduced hand-to-hand intersections for complex domains such as sign-language pose estimation.
Abstract:Hand pose estimation from a single image has many applications. However, approaches to full 3D body pose estimation are typically trained on day-to-day activities or actions. As such, detailed hand-to-hand interactions are poorly represented, especially during motion. We see this in the failure cases of techniques such as OpenPose or MediaPipe. However, accurate hand pose estimation is crucial for many applications where the global body motion is less important than accurate hand pose estimation. This paper addresses the problem of 3D hand pose estimation from monocular images or sequences. We present a novel end-to-end framework for 3D hand regression that employs diffusion models that have shown excellent ability to capture the distribution of data for generative purposes. Moreover, we enforce kinematic constraints to ensure realistic poses are generated by incorporating an explicit forward kinematic layer as part of the network. The proposed model provides state-of-the-art performance when lifting a 2D single-hand image to 3D. However, when sequence data is available, we add a Transformer module over a temporal window of consecutive frames to refine the results, overcoming jittering and further increasing accuracy. The method is quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated showing state-of-the-art robustness, generalization, and accuracy on several different datasets.
Abstract:This work addresses 3D human pose reconstruction in single images. We present a method that combines Forward Kinematics (FK) with neural networks to ensure a fast and valid prediction of 3D pose. Pose is represented as a hierarchical tree/graph with nodes corresponding to human joints that model their physical limits. Given a 2D detection of keypoints in the image, we lift the skeleton to 3D using neural networks to predict both the joint rotations and bone lengths. These predictions are then combined with skeletal constraints using an FK layer implemented as a network layer in PyTorch. The result is a fast and accurate approach to the estimation of 3D skeletal pose. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluation, we demonstrate the method is significantly more accurate than MediaPipe in terms of both per joint positional error and visual appearance. Furthermore, we demonstrate generalization over different datasets. The implementation in PyTorch runs at between 100-200 milliseconds per image (including CNN detection) using CPU only.
Abstract:We present VSAC, a RANSAC-type robust estimator with a number of novelties. It benefits from the introduction of the concept of independent inliers that improves significantly the efficacy of the dominant plane handling and, also, allows near error-free rejection of incorrect models, without false positives. The local optimization process and its application is improved so that it is run on average only once. Further technical improvements include adaptive sequential hypothesis verification and efficient model estimation via Gaussian elimination. Experiments on four standard datasets show that VSAC is significantly faster than all its predecessors and runs on average in 1-2 ms, on a CPU. It is two orders of magnitude faster and yet as precise as MAGSAC++, the currently most accurate estimator of two-view geometry. In the repeated runs on EVD, HPatches, PhotoTourism, and Kusvod2 datasets, it never failed.
Abstract:We review the most recent RANSAC-like hypothesize-and-verify robust estimators. The best performing ones are combined to create a state-of-the-art version of the Universal Sample Consensus (USAC) algorithm. A recent objective is to implement a modular and optimized framework, making future RANSAC modules easy to be included. The proposed method, USACv20, is tested on eight publicly available real-world datasets, estimating homographies, fundamental and essential matrices. On average, USACv20 leads to the most geometrically accurate models and it is the fastest in comparison to the state-of-the-art robust estimators. All reported properties improved performance of original USAC algorithm significantly. The pipeline will be made available after publication.
Abstract:A new method for robust estimation, MAGSAC++, is proposed. It introduces a new model quality (scoring) function that does not require the inlier-outlier decision, and a novel marginalization procedure formulated as an iteratively re-weighted least-squares approach. We also propose a new sampler, Progressive NAPSAC, for RANSAC-like robust estimators. Exploiting the fact that nearby points often originate from the same model in real-world data, it finds local structures earlier than global samplers. The progressive transition from local to global sampling does not suffer from the weaknesses of purely localized samplers. On six publicly available real-world datasets for homography and fundamental matrix fitting, MAGSAC++ produces results superior to state-of-the-art robust methods. It is faster, more geometrically accurate and fails less often.
Abstract:We propose Progressive NAPSAC, P-NAPSAC in short, which merges the advantages of local and global sampling by drawing samples from gradually growing neighborhoods. Exploiting the fact that nearby points are more likely to originate from the same geometric model, P-NAPSAC finds local structures earlier than global samplers. We show that the progressive spatial sampling in P-NAPSAC can be integrated with PROSAC sampling, which is applied to the first, location-defining, point. P-NAPSAC is embedded in USAC, a state-of-the-art robust estimation pipeline, which we further improve by implementing its local optimization as in Graph-Cut RANSAC. We call the resulting estimator USAC*. The method is tested on homography and fundamental matrix fitting on a total of 10,691 models from seven publicly available datasets. USAC* with P-NAPSAC outperforms reference methods in terms of speed on all problems.