Abstract:This paper presents a method for task allocation and trajectory generation in cooperative inspection missions using a fleet of multirotor drones, with a focus on wind turbine inspection. The approach generates safe, feasible flight paths that adhere to time-sensitive constraints and vehicle limitations by formulating an optimization problem based on Signal Temporal Logic (STL) specifications. An event-triggered replanning mechanism addresses unexpected events and delays, while a generalized robustness scoring method incorporates user preferences and minimizes task conflicts. The approach is validated through simulations in MATLAB and Gazebo, as well as field experiments in a mock-up scenario.
Abstract:A Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) strategy aimed at controlling a small-scale car model for autonomous racing competitions is presented in this paper. The proposed control strategy is concerned with minimizing the lap time while keeping the vehicle within track boundaries. The optimization problem considers both the vehicle's actuation limits and the lateral and longitudinal forces acting on the car modeled through the Pacejka's magic formula and a simple drivetrain model. Furthermore, the approach allows to safely race on a track populated by static obstacles generating collision-free trajectories and tracking them while enhancing the lap timing performance. Gazebo simulations using the F1/10 simulator showcase the feasibility and validity of the proposed control strategy. The code is released as open-source making it possible to replicate the obtained results.
Abstract:A novel prize-winner algorithm designed for a path following problem within the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) field is presented in this paper. The proposed approach exploits the advantages offered by the pure pursuing algorithm to set up an intuitive and simple control framework. A path fora quad-rotor UAV is obtained by using downward facing camera images implementing an Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) approach. Numerical simulations in MATLAB together with the MathWorks Virtual Reality (VR) toolbox demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed solution. The code is released as open-source making it possible to go through any part of the system and to replicate the obtained results.
Abstract:Inspection of power line infrastructures must be periodically conducted by electric companies in order to ensure reliable electric power distribution. Research efforts are focused on automating the power line inspection process by looking for strategies that satisfy different requirements expressed in terms of potential damage and faults detection. This problem comes up with the need of safe planning and control techniques for autonomous robots to perform visual inspection tasks. Such an application becomes even more interesting and of critical importance when considering a multi-robot extension. In this paper, we propose to compute feasible and constrained trajectories for a fleet of quad-rotors leveraging on Signal Temporal Logic (STL) specifications. The planner allows to formulate rather complex missions avoiding obstacles and forbidden areas along the path. Simulations results achieved in MATLAB show the effectiveness of the proposed approach leading the way to experimental tests on the hardware.