Abstract:This paper introduces the weighted-sum energy efficiency (WSEE) as an advanced performance metric designed to represent the uplink energy efficiency (EE) of individual user equipment (UE) in a user-centric Cell-Free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) system more accurately. In this realistic user-centric CF-mMIMO context, each UE may exhibit distinct characteristics, such as maximum transmit power limits or specific minimum data rate requirements. By computing the EE of each UE independently and adjusting the weights accordingly, the system can accommodate these unique attributes, thus promoting energy-efficient operation. The uplink WSEE is formulated as a multiple-ratio fractional programming (FP) problem, representing a weighted sum of the EE of individual UEs, which depends on each UE's transmit power and the combining vector at the CPU. To effectively maximize WSEE, we present optimization algorithms that utilize the Dinkelbach transform and the quadratic transform (QT). Applying the QT twice consecutively yields significant performance gains in terms of WSEE. This framework establishes a foundation for developing operational strategies tailored to specific system requirements.
Abstract:Wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies hold promise for enhancing device autonomy, particularly for energy-limited IoT systems. This paper presents experimental results on coherent and non-coherent transmit diversity approaches for WPT, tested in the near field using the Techtile testbed. We demonstrate that a fully synchronized beamfocusing system achieves a 14 dB gain over non-coherent transmission, consistent with the theoretical 14.9 dB gain for a 31-element array. Additionally, phase alignment errors below 20{\deg} result in less than 1 dB of gain loss, while errors exceeding 40{\deg} lead to losses over 3 dB. These findings suggest that phase coherency requirements for WPT can be relaxed, and that scaling the number of antennas is a promising strategy for improving power transfer efficiency.
Abstract:Wireless power transfer (WPT) has garnered increasing attention due to its potential to eliminate device-side batteries. With the advent of (distributed) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), radio frequency (RF) WPT has become feasible over extended distances. This study focuses on optimizing the energy delivery to Energy Receivers (ERs) while minimizing system total transmit power. Rather than continuous power delivery, we optimize the precoding weights within specified time slots to meet the energy requirements of the ERs. Both unsynchronized (non-coherent) and synchronized (coherent) systems are evaluated. Our analysis indicates that augmenting the number of antennas and transitioning from an unsynchronized to asynchronized full phase-coherent system substantially enhances system performance. This optimization ensures precise energy delivery, reducing overshoots and overall energy consumption. Experimental validation was conducted using a testbed with84 antennas, validating the trends observed in our numerical simulations.
Abstract:User mobility in extended reality (XR) can have a major impact on millimeter-wave (mmWave) links and may require dedicated mitigation strategies to ensure reliable connections and avoid outage. The available prior art has predominantly focused on XR applications with constrained user mobility and limited impact on mmWave channels. We have performed dedicated experiments to extend the characterisation of relevant future XR use cases featuring a high degree of user mobility. To this end, we have carried out a tailor-made measurement campaign and conducted a characterisation of the collected tracking data, including the approximation of the data using statistical distributions. Moreover, we have provided an interpretation of the possible impact of the recorded mobility on mmWave technology. The dataset is made publicly accessible to provide a testing ground for wireless system design and to enable further XR mobility modelling.
Abstract:The Internet of Things (IoT) can support the evolution towards a digital and green future. However, the introduction of the technology clearly has in itself a direct adverse ecological impact. This paper assesses this impact at both the IoT-node and at the network side. For the nodes, we show that the electronics production of devices comes with a carbon footprint that can be much higher than during operation phase. We highlight that the inclusion of IoT support in existing cellular networks comes with a significant ecological penalty, raising overall energy consumption by more than 15%. These results call for novel design approaches for the nodes and for early consideration of the support for IoT in future networks. Raising the 'Vehicle or bandit?' question on the nature of IoT in the broader sense of sustainability, we illustrate the need for multidisciplinary cooperation to steer applications in desirable directions.
Abstract:Indoor positioning applications are craving for ever higher precision and accuracy across the entire coverage zone. Optimal anchor placement and the deployment of multiple distributed anchor nodes could have a major impact in this regard. This paper examines the influences of these two difficult to approach hypotheses by means of a straightforward ultrasonic 3D indoor positioning system deployed in a real-life scenario via a geometric based simulation framework. To obtain an optimal anchor placement, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is introduced and consequently performed for setups ranging from 4 to 10 anchors. In this way, besides the optimal anchor placement layout, the influence of deploying several distributed anchor nodes is investigated. In order to theoretically compare the optimization progress, a system model and Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) are established and the results are quantified based on the simulation data. With limited anchors, the placement is crucial to obtain a high precision high reliability (HPHR) indoor positioning system (IPS), while the addition of anchors, to a lesser extent, gives a supplementary improvement.
Abstract:Millimeter-wave (mmWave) technology holds the potential to revolutionize head-mounted displays (HMDs) by enabling high-speed wireless communication with nearby processing nodes, where complex video rendering can take place. However, the sparse angular profile of mmWave channels, coupled with the narrow field of view (FoV) of patch-antenna arrays and frequent HMD rotation, can lead to poor performance. We introduce six channel performance metrics to evaluate the performance of an HMD equipped with mmWave arrays. We analyze the metrics using analytical models, discuss their impact for the application, and apply them to 28 GHz channel sounding data, collected in a conference room using eight HMD patch-antenna arrays, offset by 45 degrees from each other in azimuth. Our findings confirm that a single array performs poorly due to the narrow FoV, and featuring multiple arrays along the HMD's azimuth is required. Namely, the broader FoV stabilizes channel gain during HMD rotation, lessens the attenuation caused by line of sight (LoS) obstruction, and increases the channel's spatial multiplexing capability. In light of our findings, we conclude that it is imperative to either equip the HMD with multiple arrays or, as an alternative approach, incorporate macroscopic diversity by leveraging distributed access point (AP) infrastructure.
Abstract:Immersing a user in life-like extended reality (XR) scenery using a head-mounted display (HMD) with a constrained form factor and hardware complexity requires remote rendering on a nearby edge server or computer. Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication technology can provide sufficient data rate for wireless XR content transmission. However, mmWave channels exhibit severe sparsity in the angular domain. This means that distributed antenna arrays are required to cover a larger angular area and to combat outage during HMD rotation. At the same time, one would prefer fewer antenna elements/arrays for a lower complexity system. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the trade-off between the number of antenna arrays and the achievable performance to find a proper practical solution. This work presents indoor 28 GHz mmWave channel measurement data, collected during HMD mobility, and studies the dominant eigenmode (DE) gain. DE gain is a significant factor in understanding system performance since mmWave channel sparsity and eigenmode imbalance often results in provisioning the majority of the available power to the DE. Moreover, it provides the upper performance bounds for widely-adopted analog beamformers. We propose 3 performance metrics - gain trade-off, gain volatility, and minimum service trade-off - for evaluating the performance of a multi-array HMD and apply the metrics to indoor 28 GHz channel measurement data. Evaluation results indicate, that 3 arrays provide stable temporal channel gain. Adding a 4th array further increases channel capacity, while any additional arrays do not significantly increase physical layer performance.
Abstract:Massive MIMO systems are typically designed assuming linear power amplifiers (PAs). However, PAs are most energy efficient close to saturation, where non-linear distortion arises. For conventional precoders, this distortion can coherently combine at user locations, limiting performance. We propose a graph neural network (GNN) to learn a mapping between channel and precoding matrices, which maximizes the sum rate affected by non-linear distortion, using a high-order polynomial PA model. In the distortion-limited regime, this GNN-based precoder outperforms zero forcing (ZF), ZF plus digital pre-distortion (DPD) and the distortion-aware beamforming (DAB) precoder from the state-of-the-art. At an input back-off of -3 dB the proposed precoder compared to ZF increases the sum rate by 8.60 and 8.84 bits/channel use for two and four users respectively. Radiation patterns show that these gains are achieved by transmitting the non-linear distortion in non-user directions. In the four user-case, for a fixed sum rate, the total consumed power (PA and processing) of the GNN precoder is 3.24 and 1.44 times lower compared to ZF and ZF plus DPD respectively. A complexity analysis shows six orders of magnitude reduction compared to DAB precoding. This opens perspectives to operate PAs closer to saturation, which drastically increases their energy efficiency.
Abstract:The emergence of sixth-generation (6G) networks has spurred the development of novel testbeds, including sub-THz networks, cell-free systems, and 6G simulators. To maximize the benefits of these systems, it is crucial to make the generated data publicly available and easily reusable by others. Although data sharing has become a common practice, a lack of standardization hinders data accessibility and interoperability. In this study, we propose the Dataset Storage Standard (DSS) to address these challenges by facilitating data exchange and enabling convenient processing script creation in a testbed-agnostic manner. DSS supports both experimental and simulated data, allowing researchers to employ the same processing scripts and tools across different datasets. Unlike existing standardization efforts such as SigMF and NI RF Data Recording API, DSS provides a broader scope by accommodating a common definition file for testbeds and is not limited to RF data storage. The dataset format utilizes a hierarchical structure, with a tensor representation for specific experiment scenarios. In summary, DSS offers a comprehensive and flexible framework for enhancing the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) in 6G testbeds, promoting open and efficient data sharing in the research community.