This paper introduces the weighted-sum energy efficiency (WSEE) as an advanced performance metric designed to represent the uplink energy efficiency (EE) of individual user equipment (UE) in a user-centric Cell-Free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) system more accurately. In this realistic user-centric CF-mMIMO context, each UE may exhibit distinct characteristics, such as maximum transmit power limits or specific minimum data rate requirements. By computing the EE of each UE independently and adjusting the weights accordingly, the system can accommodate these unique attributes, thus promoting energy-efficient operation. The uplink WSEE is formulated as a multiple-ratio fractional programming (FP) problem, representing a weighted sum of the EE of individual UEs, which depends on each UE's transmit power and the combining vector at the CPU. To effectively maximize WSEE, we present optimization algorithms that utilize the Dinkelbach transform and the quadratic transform (QT). Applying the QT twice consecutively yields significant performance gains in terms of WSEE. This framework establishes a foundation for developing operational strategies tailored to specific system requirements.