Abstract:Model-based control is a crucial component of robotic navigation. However, it often struggles with entrapment in local minima due to its inherent nature as a finite, myopic optimization procedure. Previous studies have addressed this issue but sacrificed either solution quality due to their reactive nature or computational efficiency in generating explicit paths for proactive guidance. To this end, we propose a motion planning method that proactively avoids local minima without any guidance from global paths. The key idea is repulsive potential augmentation, integrating high-level directional information into the Model Predictive Path Integral control as a single repulsive term through an artificial potential field. We evaluate our method through theoretical analysis and simulations in environments with obstacles that induce local minima. Results show that our method guarantees the avoidance of local minima and outperforms existing methods in terms of global optimality without decreasing computational efficiency.
Abstract:Four-wheel independent drive and steering vehicle (4WIDS Vehicle, Swerve Drive Robot) has the ability to move in any direction by its eight degrees of freedom (DoF) control inputs. Although the high maneuverability enables efficient navigation in narrow spaces, obtaining the optimal command is challenging due to the high dimension of the solution space. This paper presents a navigation architecture using the Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control algorithm to avoid collisions with obstacles of any shape and reach a goal point. The key idea to make the problem easier is to explore the optimal control input in a reasonably reduced dimension that is adequate for navigation. Through evaluation in simulation, we found that selecting the sampling space of MPPI greatly affects navigation performance. In addition, our proposed controller which switches multiple sampling spaces according to the real-time situation can achieve balanced behavior between efficiency and safety. Source code is available at https://github.com/MizuhoAOKI/mppi_swerve_drive_ros
Abstract:As robotic navigation techniques in perception and planning advance, mobile robots increasingly venture into off-road environments involving complex traversability. However, selecting suitable planning methods remains a challenge due to their algorithmic diversity, as each offers unique benefits. To aid in algorithm design, we introduce BenchNav, an open-source PyTorch-based simulation platform for benchmarking off-road navigation with uncertain traversability. Built upon Gymnasium, BenchNav provides three key features: 1) a data generation pipeline for preparing synthetic natural environments, 2) built-in machine learning models for traversability prediction, and 3) consistent execution of path and motion planning across different algorithms. We show BenchNav's versatility through simulation examples in off-road environments, employing three representative planning algorithms from different domains. https://github.com/masafumiendo/benchnav
Abstract:This paper presents a reactive navigation method that leverages a Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control enhanced with spline interpolation for the control input sequence and Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD). The MPPI framework addresses a nonlinear optimization problem by determining an optimal sequence of control inputs through a sampling-based approach. The efficacy of MPPI is significantly influenced by the sampling noise. To rapidly identify routes that circumvent large and/or newly detected obstacles, it is essential to employ high levels of sampling noise. However, such high noise levels result in jerky control input sequences, leading to non-smooth trajectories. To mitigate this issue, we propose the integration of spline interpolation within the MPPI process, enabling the generation of smooth control input sequences despite the utilization of substantial sampling noises. Nonetheless, the standard MPPI algorithm struggles in scenarios featuring multiple optimal or near-optimal solutions, such as environments with several viable obstacle avoidance paths, due to its assumption that the distribution over an optimal control input sequence can be closely approximated by a Gaussian distribution. To address this limitation, we extend our method by incorporating SVGD into the MPPI framework with spline interpolation. SVGD, rooted in the optimal transportation algorithm, possesses the unique ability to cluster samples around an optimal solution. Consequently, our approach facilitates robust reactive navigation by swiftly identifying obstacle avoidance paths while maintaining the smoothness of the control input sequences. The efficacy of our proposed method is validated on simulations with a quadrotor, demonstrating superior performance over existing baseline techniques.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) method based on Model Predictive Path Integral control (MPPI), named Stein Variational Guided MPPI (SVG-MPPI), designed to handle rapidly shifting multimodal optimal action distributions. While MPPI can find a Gaussian-approximated optimal action distribution in closed form, i.e., without iterative solution updates, it struggles with multimodality of the optimal distributions, such as those involving non-convex constraints for obstacle avoidance. This is due to the less representative nature of the Gaussian. To overcome this limitation, our method aims to identify a target mode of the optimal distribution and guide the solution to converge to fit it. In the proposed method, the target mode is roughly estimated using a modified Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) method and embedded into the MPPI algorithm to find a closed-form "mode-seeking" solution that covers only the target mode, thus preserving the fast convergence property of MPPI. Our simulation and real-world experimental results demonstrate that SVG-MPPI outperforms both the original MPPI and other state-of-the-art sampling-based SOC algorithms in terms of path-tracking and obstacle-avoidance capabilities. Source code: https://github.com/kohonda/proj-svg_mppi
Abstract:The hierarchy of global and local planners is one of the most commonly utilized system designs in robot autonomous navigation. While the global planner generates a reference path from the current to goal locations based on the pre-built static map, the local planner produces a collision-free, kinodynamic trajectory to follow the reference path while avoiding perceived obstacles. The reference path should be replanned regularly to accommodate new obstacles that were absent in the pre-built map, but when to execute replanning remains an open question. In this work, we conduct an extensive simulation experiment to compare various replanning strategies and confirm that effective strategies highly depend on the environment as well as on the global and local planners. We then propose a new adaptive replanning strategy based on deep reinforcement learning, where an agent learns from experiences to decide appropriate replanning timings in the given environment and planning setups. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed replanning agent can achieve performance on par or even better than current best-performing strategies across multiple situations in terms of navigation robustness and efficiency.
Abstract:This study presents a new framework for vehicle motion planning and control based on the automatic generation of model predictive controllers (MPC) named MPC Builder. In this framework, several components necessary for MPC, such as models, constraints, and cost functions, are prepared in advance. The MPC Builder then online generates various MPCs according to traffic situations in a unified manner. This scheme enabled us to represent various driving tasks with minimal design effort. The proposed framework was implemented considering the continuation/generalized minimum residual (C/GMRES) method optimization solver, which can reduce computational costs. Finally, numerical experiments on multiple driving scenarios were presented.
Abstract:This paper presents a LiDAR odometry estimation framework called Generalized LOAM. Our proposed method is generalized in that it can seamlessly fuse various local geometric shapes around points to improve the position estimation accuracy compared to the conventional LiDAR odometry and mapping (LOAM) method. To utilize continuous geometric features for LiDAR odometry estimation, we incorporate tiny neural networks into a generalized iterative closest point (GICP) algorithm. These neural networks improve the data association metric and the matching cost function using local geometric features. Experiments with the KITTI benchmark demonstrate that our proposed method reduces relative trajectory errors compared to the other LiDAR odometry estimation methods.