Abstract:Stance detection has emerged as a popular task in natural language processing research, enabled largely by the abundance of target-specific social media data. While there has been considerable research on the development of stance detection models, datasets, and application, we highlight important gaps pertaining to (i) a lack of theoretical conceptualization of stance, and (ii) the treatment of stance at an individual- or user-level, as opposed to message-level. In this paper, we first review the interdisciplinary origins of stance as an individual-level construct to highlight relevant attributes (e.g., psychological features) that might be useful to incorporate in stance detection models. Further, we argue that recent pre-trained and large language models (LLMs) might offer a way to flexibly infer such user-level attributes and/or incorporate them in modelling stance. To better illustrate this, we briefly review and synthesize the emerging corpus of studies on using LLMs for inferring stance, and specifically on incorporating user attributes in such tasks. We conclude by proposing a four-point agenda for pursuing stance detection research that is theoretically informed, inclusive, and practically impactful.
Abstract:This study enhances stance detection on social media by incorporating deeper psychological attributes, specifically individuals' moral foundations. These theoretically-derived dimensions aim to provide a comprehensive profile of an individual's moral concerns which, in recent work, has been linked to behaviour in a range of domains, including society, politics, health, and the environment. In this paper, we investigate how moral foundation dimensions can contribute to predicting an individual's stance on a given target. Specifically we incorporate moral foundation features extracted from text, along with message semantic features, to classify stances at both message- and user-levels across a range of targets and models. Our preliminary results suggest that encoding moral foundations can enhance the performance of stance detection tasks and help illuminate the associations between specific moral foundations and online stances on target topics. The results highlight the importance of considering deeper psychological attributes in stance analysis and underscores the role of moral foundations in guiding online social behavior.