Abstract:Over the last years we witnessed a renewed interest towards Traffic Classification (TC) captivated by the rise of Deep Learning (DL). Yet, the vast majority of TC literature lacks code artifacts, performance assessments across datasets and reference comparisons against Machine Learning (ML) methods. Among those works, a recent study from IMC'22 [17] is worth of attention since it adopts recent DL methodologies (namely, few-shot learning, self-supervision via contrastive learning and data augmentation) appealing for networking as they enable to learn from a few samples and transfer across datasets. The main result of [17] on the UCDAVIS19, ISCX-VPN and ISCX-Tor datasets is that, with such DL methodologies, 100 input samples are enough to achieve very high accuracy using an input representation called "flowpic" (i.e., a per-flow 2d histograms of the packets size evolution over time). In this paper (i) we reproduce [17] on the same datasets and (ii) we replicate its most salient aspect (the importance of data augmentation) on three additional public datasets, MIRAGE-19, MIRAGE-22 and UTMOBILENET21. While we confirm most of the original results, we also found a 20% accuracy drop on some of the investigated scenarios due to a data shift in the original dataset that we uncovered. Additionally, our study validates that the data augmentation strategies studied in [17] perform well on other datasets too. In the spirit of reproducibility and replicability we make all artifacts (code and data) available at [10].
Abstract:Network troubleshooting is still a heavily human-intensive process. To reduce the time spent by human operators in the diagnosis process, we present a system based on (i) unsupervised learning methods for detecting anomalies in the time domain, (ii) an attention mechanism to rank features in the feature space and finally (iii) an expert knowledge module able to seamlessly incorporate previously collected domain-knowledge. In this paper, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of the full system and of its individual building blocks: particularly, we consider (i) 10 anomaly detection algorithms as well as (ii) 10 attention mechanisms, that comprehensively represent the current state of the art in the respective fields. Leveraging a unique collection of expert-labeled datasets worth several months of real router telemetry data, we perform a thorough performance evaluation contrasting practical results in constrained stream-mode settings, with the results achievable by an ideal oracle in academic settings. Our experimental evaluation shows that (i) the proposed system is effective in achieving high levels of agreement with the expert, and (ii) that even a simple statistical approach is able to extract useful information from expert knowledge gained in past cases, significantly improving troubleshooting performance.
Abstract:This paper presents HURRA, a system that aims to reduce the time spent by human operators in the process of network troubleshooting. To do so, it comprises two modules that are plugged after any anomaly detection algorithm: (i) a first attention mechanism, that ranks the present features in terms of their relation with the anomaly and (ii) a second module able to incorporates previous expert knowledge seamlessly, without any need of human interaction nor decisions. We show the efficacy of these simple processes on a collection of real router datasets obtained from tens of ISPs which exhibit a rich variety of anomalies and very heterogeneous set of KPIs, on which we gather manually annotated ground truth by the operator solving the troubleshooting ticket. Our experimental evaluation shows that (i) the proposed system is effective in achieving high levels of agreement with the expert, that (ii) even a simple statistical approach is able to extracting useful information from expert knowledge gained in past cases to further improve performance and finally that (iii) the main difficulty in live deployment concerns the automated selection of the anomaly detection algorithm and the tuning of its hyper-parameters.