Abstract:Generative networks are an exciting tool for fast LHC event generation. Usually, they are used to generate configurations with a fixed number of particles. Autoregressive transformers allow us to generate events with variable numbers of particles, very much in line with the physics of QCD jet radiation. We show how they can learn a factorized likelihood for jet radiation and extrapolate in terms of the number of generated jets. For this extrapolation, bootstrapping training data and training with modifications of the likelihood loss can be used.
Abstract:We show that the Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformer (L-GATr) yields state-of-the-art performance for a wide range of machine learning tasks at the Large Hadron Collider. L-GATr represents data in a geometric algebra over space-time and is equivariant under Lorentz transformations. The underlying architecture is a versatile and scalable transformer, which is able to break symmetries if needed. We demonstrate the power of L-GATr for amplitude regression and jet classification, and then benchmark it as the first Lorentz-equivariant generative network. For all three LHC tasks, we find significant improvements over previous architectures.
Abstract:Extracting scientific understanding from particle-physics experiments requires solving diverse learning problems with high precision and good data efficiency. We propose the Lorentz Geometric Algebra Transformer (L-GATr), a new multi-purpose architecture for high-energy physics. L-GATr represents high-energy data in a geometric algebra over four-dimensional space-time and is equivariant under Lorentz transformations, the symmetry group of relativistic kinematics. At the same time, the architecture is a Transformer, which makes it versatile and scalable to large systems. L-GATr is first demonstrated on regression and classification tasks from particle physics. We then construct the first Lorentz-equivariant generative model: a continuous normalizing flow based on an L-GATr network, trained with Riemannian flow matching. Across our experiments, L-GATr is on par with or outperforms strong domain-specific baselines.