Abstract:Q-learning played a foundational role in the field reinforcement learning (RL). However, TD algorithms with off-policy data, such as Q-learning, or nonlinear function approximation like deep neural networks require several additional tricks to stabilise training, primarily a replay buffer and target networks. Unfortunately, the delayed updating of frozen network parameters in the target network harms the sample efficiency and, similarly, the replay buffer introduces memory and implementation overheads. In this paper, we investigate whether it is possible to accelerate and simplify TD training while maintaining its stability. Our key theoretical result demonstrates for the first time that regularisation techniques such as LayerNorm can yield provably convergent TD algorithms without the need for a target network, even with off-policy data. Empirically, we find that online, parallelised sampling enabled by vectorised environments stabilises training without the need of a replay buffer. Motivated by these findings, we propose PQN, our simplified deep online Q-Learning algorithm. Surprisingly, this simple algorithm is competitive with more complex methods like: Rainbow in Atari, R2D2 in Hanabi, QMix in Smax, PPO-RNN in Craftax, and can be up to 50x faster than traditional DQN without sacrificing sample efficiency. In an era where PPO has become the go-to RL algorithm, PQN reestablishes Q-learning as a viable alternative. We make our code available at: https://github.com/mttga/purejaxql.
Abstract:Underwater target localization using range-only and single-beacon (ROSB) techniques with autonomous vehicles has been used recently to improve the limitations of more complex methods, such as long baseline and ultra-short baseline systems. Nonetheless, in ROSB target localization methods, the trajectory of the tracking vehicle near the localized target plays an important role in obtaining the best accuracy of the predicted target position. Here, we investigate a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to find the optimal path that an autonomous vehicle should follow in order to increase and optimize the overall accuracy of the predicted target localization, while reducing time and power consumption. To accomplish this objective, different experimental tests have been designed using state-of-the-art deep RL algorithms. Our study also compares the results obtained with the analytical Fisher information matrix approach used in previous studies. The results revealed that the policy learned by the RL agent outperforms trajectories based on these analytical solutions, e.g. the median predicted error at the beginning of the target's localisation is 17% less. These findings suggest that using deep RL for localizing acoustic targets could be successfully applied to in-water applications that include tracking of acoustically tagged marine animals by autonomous underwater vehicles. This is envisioned as a first necessary step to validate the use of RL to tackle such problems, which could be used later on in a more complex scenarios
Abstract:Coordination is one of the most difficult aspects of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). One reason is that agents normally choose their actions independently of one another. In order to see coordination strategies emerging from the combination of independent policies, the recent research has focused on the use of a centralized function (CF) that learns each agent's contribution to the team reward. However, the structure in which the environment is presented to the agents and to the CF is typically overlooked. We have observed that the features used to describe the coordination problem can be represented as vertex features of a latent graph structure. Here, we present TransfQMix, a new approach that uses transformers to leverage this latent structure and learn better coordination policies. Our transformer agents perform a graph reasoning over the state of the observable entities. Our transformer Q-mixer learns a monotonic mixing-function from a larger graph that includes the internal and external states of the agents. TransfQMix is designed to be entirely transferable, meaning that same parameters can be used to control and train larger or smaller teams of agents. This enables to deploy promising approaches to save training time and derive general policies in MARL, such as transfer learning, zero-shot transfer, and curriculum learning. We report TransfQMix's performances in the Spread and StarCraft II environments. In both settings, it outperforms state-of-the-art Q-Learning models, and it demonstrates effectiveness in solving problems that other methods can not solve.