Abstract:Code generation, symbolic math reasoning, and other tasks require LLMs to produce outputs that are both syntactically and semantically correct. Constrained LLM generation is a promising direction to enforce adherence to formal grammar, but prior works have empirically observed that strict enforcement of formal constraints often diminishes the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. In this work, we first provide a theoretical explanation for why constraining LLM outputs to very restrictive grammars that only allow syntactically valid final answers reduces the reasoning capabilities of the model. Second, we demonstrate that by augmenting the output grammar with carefully designed additional rules, it is always possible to preserve the reasoning capabilities of the LLM while ensuring syntactic and semantic correctness in its outputs. Building on these theoretical insights, we propose a reasoning-augmented constrained decoding algorithm, CRANE, which effectively balances the correctness of constrained generation with the flexibility of unconstrained generation. Experiments on multiple open-source LLMs and benchmarks show that CRANE significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art constrained decoding strategies and standard unconstrained decoding, showing up to 10% points accuracy improvement over baselines on challenging symbolic reasoning benchmarks GSM-symbolic and FOLIO.
Abstract:Recent advances in aligning Large Language Models with human preferences have benefited from larger reward models and better preference data. However, most of these methodologies rely on the accuracy of the reward model. The reward models used in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) are typically learned from small datasets using stochastic optimization algorithms, making them prone to high variability. We illustrate the inconsistencies between reward models empirically on numerous open-source datasets. We theoretically show that the fluctuation of the reward models can be detrimental to the alignment problem because the derived policies are more overfitted to the reward model and, hence, are riskier if the reward model itself is uncertain. We use concentration of measure to motivate an uncertainty-aware, conservative algorithm for policy optimization. We show that such policies are more risk-averse in the sense that they are more cautious of uncertain rewards. We theoretically prove that our proposed methodology has less risk than the vanilla method. We corroborate our theoretical results with experiments based on designing an ensemble of reward models. We use this ensemble of reward models to align a language model using our methodology and observe that our empirical findings match our theoretical predictions.
Abstract:We focus on verifying relational properties defined over deep neural networks (DNNs) such as robustness against universal adversarial perturbations (UAP), certified worst-case hamming distance for binary string classifications, etc. Precise verification of these properties requires reasoning about multiple executions of the same DNN. However, most of the existing works in DNN verification only handle properties defined over single executions and as a result, are imprecise for relational properties. Though few recent works for relational DNN verification, capture linear dependencies between the inputs of multiple executions, they do not leverage dependencies between the outputs of hidden layers producing imprecise results. We develop a scalable relational verifier RACoon that utilizes cross-execution dependencies at all layers of the DNN gaining substantial precision over SOTA baselines on a wide range of datasets, networks, and relational properties.
Abstract:Parametric feature-based reward models are widely employed by algorithms for decision making settings such as bandits and contextual bandits. The typical assumption under which they are analysed is realizability, i.e., that the true rewards of actions are perfectly explained by some parametric model in the class. We are, however, interested in the situation where the true rewards are (potentially significantly) misspecified with respect to the model class. For parameterized bandits and contextual bandits, we identify sufficient conditions, depending on the problem instance and model class, under which classic algorithms such as $\epsilon$-greedy and LinUCB enjoy sublinear (in the time horizon) regret guarantees under even grossly misspecified rewards. This is in contrast to existing worst-case results for misspecified bandits which show regret bounds that scale linearly with time, and shows that there can be a nontrivially large set of bandit instances that are robust to misspecification.
Abstract:Randomized smoothing-based certification is an effective approach for obtaining robustness certificates of deep neural networks (DNNs) against adversarial attacks. This method constructs a smoothed DNN model and certifies its robustness through statistical sampling, but it is computationally expensive, especially when certifying with a large number of samples. Furthermore, when the smoothed model is modified (e.g., quantized or pruned), certification guarantees may not hold for the modified DNN, and recertifying from scratch can be prohibitively expensive. We present the first approach for incremental robustness certification for randomized smoothing, IRS. We show how to reuse the certification guarantees for the original smoothed model to certify an approximated model with very few samples. IRS significantly reduces the computational cost of certifying modified DNNs while maintaining strong robustness guarantees. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showing up to 3x certification speedup over the certification that applies randomized smoothing of the approximate model from scratch.
Abstract:Complete verification of deep neural networks (DNNs) can exactly determine whether the DNN satisfies a desired trustworthy property (e.g., robustness, fairness) on an infinite set of inputs or not. Despite the tremendous progress to improve the scalability of complete verifiers over the years on individual DNNs, they are inherently inefficient when a deployed DNN is updated to improve its inference speed or accuracy. The inefficiency is because the expensive verifier needs to be run from scratch on the updated DNN. To improve efficiency, we propose a new, general framework for incremental and complete DNN verification based on the design of novel theory, data structure, and algorithms. Our contributions implemented in a tool named IVAN yield an overall geometric mean speedup of 2.4x for verifying challenging MNIST and CIFAR10 classifiers and a geometric mean speedup of 3.8x for the ACAS-XU classifiers over the state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:In recent years numerous methods have been developed to formally verify the robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs). Though the proposed techniques are effective in providing mathematical guarantees about the DNNs behavior, it is not clear whether the proofs generated by these methods are human-interpretable. In this paper, we bridge this gap by developing new concepts, algorithms, and representations to generate human understandable interpretations of the proofs. Leveraging the proposed method, we show that the robustness proofs of standard DNNs rely on spurious input features, while the proofs of DNNs trained to be provably robust filter out even the semantically meaningful features. The proofs for the DNNs combining adversarial and provably robust training are the most effective at selectively filtering out spurious features as well as relying on human-understandable input features.
Abstract:As noted in the works of \cite{lattimore2020bandit}, it has been mentioned that it is an open problem to characterize the minimax regret of linear bandits in a wide variety of action spaces. In this article we present an optimal regret lower bound for a wide class of convex action spaces.
Abstract:Given $X_1,\cdot ,X_N$ random variables whose joint distribution is given as $\mu$ we will use the Martingale Method to show any Lipshitz Function $f$ over these random variables is subgaussian. The Variance parameter however can have a simple expression under certain conditions. For example under the assumption that the random variables follow a Markov Chain and that the function is Lipschitz under a Weighted Hamming Metric. We shall conclude with certain well known techniques from concentration of suprema of random processes with applications in Reinforcement Learning
Abstract:We present a non-asymptotic lower bound on the eigenspectrum of the design matrix generated by any linear bandit algorithm with sub-linear regret when the action set has well-behaved curvature. Specifically, we show that the minimum eigenvalue of the expected design matrix grows as $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$ whenever the expected cumulative regret of the algorithm is $O(\sqrt{n})$, where $n$ is the learning horizon, and the action-space has a constant Hessian around the optimal arm. This shows that such action-spaces force a polynomial lower bound rather than a logarithmic lower bound, as shown by \cite{lattimore2017end}, in discrete (i.e., well-separated) action spaces. Furthermore, while the previous result is shown to hold only in the asymptotic regime (as $n \to \infty$), our result for these ``locally rich" action spaces is any-time. Additionally, under a mild technical assumption, we obtain a similar lower bound on the minimum eigen value holding with high probability. We apply our result to two practical scenarios -- \emph{model selection} and \emph{clustering} in linear bandits. For model selection, we show that an epoch-based linear bandit algorithm adapts to the true model complexity at a rate exponential in the number of epochs, by virtue of our novel spectral bound. For clustering, we consider a multi agent framework where we show, by leveraging the spectral result, that no forced exploration is necessary -- the agents can run a linear bandit algorithm and estimate their underlying parameters at once, and hence incur a low regret.