ISTI CNR, Pisa, Italy
Abstract:Recent advancements in deep learning have significantly enhanced content-based retrieval methods, notably through models like CLIP that map images and texts into a shared embedding space. However, these methods often struggle with domain-specific entities and long-tail concepts absent from their training data, particularly in identifying specific individuals. In this paper, we explore the task of identity-aware cross-modal retrieval, which aims to retrieve images of persons in specific contexts based on natural language queries. This task is critical in various scenarios, such as for searching and browsing personalized video collections or large audio-visual archives maintained by national broadcasters. We introduce a novel dataset, COCO Person FaceSwap (COCO-PFS), derived from the widely used COCO dataset and enriched with deepfake-generated faces from VGGFace2. This dataset addresses the lack of large-scale datasets needed for training and evaluating models for this task. Our experiments assess the performance of different CLIP variations repurposed for this task, including our architecture, Identity-aware CLIP (Id-CLIP), which achieves competitive retrieval performance through targeted fine-tuning. Our contributions lay the groundwork for more robust cross-modal retrieval systems capable of recognizing long-tail identities and contextual nuances. Data and code are available at
Abstract:Image manipulation is rapidly evolving, allowing the creation of credible content that can be used to bend reality. Although the results of deepfake detectors are promising, deepfakes can be made even more complicated to detect through adversarial attacks. They aim to further manipulate the image to camouflage deepfakes' artifacts or to insert signals making the image appear pristine. In this paper, we further explore the potential of super-resolution attacks based on different super-resolution techniques and with different scales that can impact the performance of deepfake detectors with more or less intensity. We also evaluated the impact of the attack on more diverse datasets discovering that the super-resolution process is effective in hiding the artifacts introduced by deepfake generation models but fails in hiding the traces contained in fully synthetic images. Finally, we propose some changes to the detectors' training process to improve their robustness to this kind of attack.
Abstract:Deepfake technology is rapidly advancing, posing significant challenges to the detection of manipulated media content. Parallel to that, some adversarial attack techniques have been developed to fool the deepfake detectors and make deepfakes even more difficult to be detected. This paper explores the application of super resolution techniques as a possible adversarial attack in deepfake detection. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that minimal changes made by these methods in the visual appearance of images can have a profound impact on the performance of deepfake detection systems. We propose a novel attack using super resolution as a quick, black-box and effective method to camouflage fake images and/or generate false alarms on pristine images. Our results indicate that the usage of super resolution can significantly impair the accuracy of deepfake detectors, thereby highlighting the vulnerability of such systems to adversarial attacks. The code to reproduce our experiments is available at:
Abstract:Deepfake detectors are typically trained on large sets of pristine and generated images, resulting in limited generalization capacity; they excel at identifying deepfakes created through methods encountered during training but struggle with those generated by unknown techniques. This paper introduces a learning approach aimed at significantly enhancing the generalization capabilities of deepfake detectors. Our method takes inspiration from the unique "fingerprints" that image generation processes consistently introduce into the frequency domain. These fingerprints manifest as structured and distinctly recognizable frequency patterns. We propose to train detectors using only pristine images injecting in part of them crafted frequency patterns, simulating the effects of various deepfake generation techniques without being specific to any. These synthetic patterns are based on generic shapes, grids, or auras. We evaluated our approach using diverse architectures across 25 different generation methods. The models trained with our approach were able to perform state-of-the-art deepfake detection, demonstrating also superior generalization capabilities in comparison with previous methods. Indeed, they are untied to any specific generation technique and can effectively identify deepfakes regardless of how they were made.
Abstract:Recent advancements in large vision-language models enabled visual object detection in open-vocabulary scenarios, where object classes are defined in free-text formats during inference. In this paper, we aim to probe the state-of-the-art methods for open-vocabulary object detection to determine to what extent they understand fine-grained properties of objects and their parts. To this end, we introduce an evaluation protocol based on dynamic vocabulary generation to test whether models detect, discern, and assign the correct fine-grained description to objects in the presence of hard-negative classes. We contribute with a benchmark suite of increasing difficulty and probing different properties like color, pattern, and material. We further enhance our investigation by evaluating several state-of-the-art open-vocabulary object detectors using the proposed protocol and find that most existing solutions, which shine in standard open-vocabulary benchmarks, struggle to accurately capture and distinguish finer object details. We conclude the paper by highlighting the limitations of current methodologies and exploring promising research directions to overcome the discovered drawbacks. Data and code are available at
Abstract:Recently emerged technologies based on Deep Learning (DL) achieved outstanding results on a variety of tasks in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, these encounter several challenges related to robustness to adversarial inputs, ecological impact, and the necessity of huge amounts of training data. In response, researchers are focusing more and more interest on biologically grounded mechanisms, which are appealing due to the impressive capabilities exhibited by biological brains. This survey explores a range of these biologically inspired models of synaptic plasticity, their application in DL scenarios, and the connections with models of plasticity in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). Overall, Bio-Inspired Deep Learning (BIDL) represents an exciting research direction, aiming at advancing not only our current technologies but also our understanding of intelligence.
Abstract:For a long time, biology and neuroscience fields have been a great source of inspiration for computer scientists, towards the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. This survey aims at providing a comprehensive review of recent biologically-inspired approaches for AI. After introducing the main principles of computation and synaptic plasticity in biological neurons, we provide a thorough presentation of Spiking Neural Network (SNN) models, and we highlight the main challenges related to SNN training, where traditional backprop-based optimization is not directly applicable. Therefore, we discuss recent bio-inspired training methods, which pose themselves as alternatives to backprop, both for traditional and spiking networks. Bio-Inspired Deep Learning (BIDL) approaches towards advancing the computational capabilities and biological plausibility of current models.
Abstract:This paper explores the task of detecting images generated by text-to-image diffusion models. To evaluate this, we consider images generated from captions in the MSCOCO and Wikimedia datasets using two state-of-the-art models: Stable Diffusion and GLIDE. Our experiments show that it is possible to detect the generated images using simple Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), starting from features extracted by CLIP, or traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). We also observe that models trained on images generated by Stable Diffusion can detect images generated by GLIDE relatively well, however, the reverse is not true. Lastly, we find that incorporating the associated textual information with the images rarely leads to significant improvement in detection results but that the type of subject depicted in the image can have a significant impact on performance. This work provides insights into the feasibility of detecting generated images, and has implications for security and privacy concerns in real-world applications.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce MINTIME, a video deepfake detection approach that captures spatial and temporal anomalies and handles instances of multiple people in the same video and variations in face sizes. Previous approaches disregard such information either by using simple a-posteriori aggregation schemes, i.e., average or max operation, or using only one identity for the inference, i.e., the largest one. On the contrary, the proposed approach builds on a Spatio-Temporal TimeSformer combined with a Convolutional Neural Network backbone to capture spatio-temporal anomalies from the face sequences of multiple identities depicted in a video. This is achieved through an Identity-aware Attention mechanism that attends to each face sequence independently based on a masking operation and facilitates video-level aggregation. In addition, two novel embeddings are employed: (i) the Temporal Coherent Positional Embedding that encodes each face sequence's temporal information and (ii) the Size Embedding that encodes the size of the faces as a ratio to the video frame size. These extensions allow our system to adapt particularly well in the wild by learning how to aggregate information of multiple identities, which is usually disregarded by other methods in the literature. It achieves state-of-the-art results on the ForgeryNet dataset with an improvement of up to 14% AUC in videos containing multiple people and demonstrates ample generalization capabilities in cross-forgery and cross-dataset settings. The code is publicly available at
Abstract:Automatic people counting from images has recently drawn attention for urban monitoring in modern Smart Cities due to the ubiquity of surveillance camera networks. Current computer vision techniques rely on deep learning-based algorithms that estimate pedestrian densities in still, individual images. Only a bunch of works take advantage of temporal consistency in video sequences. In this work, we propose a spatio-temporal attentive neural network to estimate the number of pedestrians from surveillance videos. By taking advantage of the temporal correlation between consecutive frames, we lowered state-of-the-art count error by 5% and localization error by 7.5% on the widely-used FDST benchmark.