Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in in-context learning (ICL), where models adapt to new tasks through example-based prompts without requiring parameter updates. However, understanding how tasks are internally encoded and generalized remains a challenge. To address some of the empirical and technical gaps in the literature, we introduce an automated formulation for encoding task information in ICL prompts as a function of attention heads within the transformer architecture. This approach computes a single task vector as a weighted sum of attention heads, with the weights optimized causally via gradient descent. Our findings show that existing methods fail to generalize effectively to modalities beyond text. In response, we also design a benchmark to evaluate whether a task vector can preserve task fidelity in functional regression tasks. The proposed method successfully extracts task-specific information from in-context demonstrations and excels in both text and regression tasks, demonstrating its generalizability across modalities. Moreover, ablation studies show that our method's effectiveness stems from aligning the distribution of the last hidden state with that of an optimally performing in-context-learned model.
Abstract:Deterministic policy gradient algorithms are foundational for actor-critic methods in controlling continuous systems, yet they often encounter inaccuracies due to their dependence on the derivative of the critic's value estimates with respect to input actions. This reliance requires precise action-value gradient computations, a task that proves challenging under function approximation. We introduce an actor-critic algorithm that bypasses the need for such precision by employing a zeroth-order approximation of the action-value gradient through two-point stochastic gradient estimation within the action space. This approach provably and effectively addresses compatibility issues inherent in deterministic policy gradient schemes. Empirical results further demonstrate that our algorithm not only matches but frequently exceeds the performance of current state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In continuous control, exploration is often performed through undirected strategies in which parameters of the networks or selected actions are perturbed by random noise. Although the deep setting of undirected exploration has been shown to improve the performance of on-policy methods, they introduce an excessive computational complexity and are known to fail in the off-policy setting. The intrinsically motivated exploration is an effective alternative to the undirected strategies, but they are usually studied for discrete action domains. In this paper, we investigate how intrinsic motivation can effectively be combined with deep reinforcement learning in the control of continuous systems to obtain a directed exploratory behavior. We adapt the existing theories on animal motivational systems into the reinforcement learning paradigm and introduce a novel and scalable directed exploration strategy. The introduced approach, motivated by the maximization of the value function's error, can benefit from a collected set of experiences by extracting useful information and unify the intrinsic exploration motivations in the literature under a single exploration objective. An extensive set of empirical studies demonstrate that our framework extends to larger and more diverse state spaces, dramatically improves the baselines, and outperforms the undirected strategies significantly.
Abstract:Compared to on-policy policy gradient techniques, off-policy model-free deep reinforcement learning (RL) approaches that use previously gathered data can improve sampling efficiency. However, off-policy learning becomes challenging when the discrepancy between the distributions of the policy of interest and the policies that collected the data increases. Although the well-studied importance sampling and off-policy policy gradient techniques were proposed to compensate for this discrepancy, they usually require a collection of long trajectories that increases the computational complexity and induce additional problems such as vanishing or exploding gradients. Moreover, their generalization to continuous action domains is strictly limited as they require action probabilities, which is unsuitable for deterministic policies. To overcome these limitations, we introduce an alternative off-policy correction algorithm for continuous action spaces, Actor-Critic Off-Policy Correction (AC-Off-POC), to mitigate the potential drawbacks introduced by the previously collected data. Through a novel discrepancy measure computed by the agent's most recent action decisions on the states of the randomly sampled batch of transitions, the approach does not require actual or estimated action probabilities for any policy and offers an adequate one-step importance sampling. Theoretical results show that the introduced approach can achieve a contraction mapping with a fixed unique point, which allows a "safe" off-policy learning. Our empirical results suggest that AC-Off-POC consistently improves the state-of-the-art and attains higher returns in fewer steps than the competing methods by efficiently scheduling the learning rate in Q-learning and policy optimization.
Abstract:Learning in high dimensional continuous tasks is challenging, mainly when the experience replay memory is very limited. We introduce a simple yet effective experience sharing mechanism for deterministic policies in continuous action domains for the future off-policy deep reinforcement learning applications in which the allocated memory for the experience replay buffer is limited. To overcome the extrapolation error induced by learning from other agents' experiences, we facilitate our algorithm with a novel off-policy correction technique without any action probability estimates. We test the effectiveness of our method in challenging OpenAI Gym continuous control tasks and conclude that it can achieve a safe experience sharing across multiple agents and exhibits a robust performance when the replay memory is strictly limited.
Abstract:The experience replay mechanism allows agents to use the experiences multiple times. In prior works, the sampling probability of the transitions was adjusted according to their importance. Reassigning sampling probabilities for every transition in the replay buffer after each iteration is highly inefficient. Therefore, experience replay prioritization algorithms recalculate the significance of a transition when the corresponding transition is sampled to gain computational efficiency. However, the importance level of the transitions changes dynamically as the policy and the value function of the agent are updated. In addition, experience replay stores the transitions are generated by the previous policies of the agent that may significantly deviate from the most recent policy of the agent. Higher deviation from the most recent policy of the agent leads to more off-policy updates, which is detrimental for the agent. In this paper, we develop a novel algorithm, Batch Prioritizing Experience Replay via KL Divergence (KLPER), which prioritizes batch of transitions rather than directly prioritizing each transition. Moreover, to reduce the off-policyness of the updates, our algorithm selects one batch among a certain number of batches and forces the agent to learn through the batch that is most likely generated by the most recent policy of the agent. We combine our algorithm with Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and evaluate it on various continuous control tasks. KLPER provides promising improvements for deep deterministic continuous control algorithms in terms of sample efficiency, final performance, and stability of the policy during the training.
Abstract:Value-based deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms suffer from the estimation bias primarily caused by function approximation and temporal difference (TD) learning. This problem induces faulty state-action value estimates and therefore harms the performance and robustness of the learning algorithms. Although several techniques were proposed to tackle, learning algorithms still suffer from this bias. Here, we introduce a technique that eliminates the estimation bias in off-policy continuous control algorithms using the experience replay mechanism. We adaptively learn the weighting hyper-parameter beta in the Weighted Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm. Our method is named Adaptive-WD3 (AWD3). We show through continuous control environments of OpenAI gym that our algorithm matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art off-policy policy gradient learning algorithms.
Abstract:Approximation of the value functions in value-based deep reinforcement learning systems induces overestimation bias, resulting in suboptimal policies. We show that when the reinforcement signals received by the agents have a high variance, deep actor-critic approaches that overcome the overestimation bias lead to a substantial underestimation bias. We introduce a parameter-free, novel deep Q-learning variant to reduce this underestimation bias for continuous control. By obtaining fixed weights in computing the critic objective as a linear combination of the approximate critic functions, our Q-value update rule integrates the concepts of Clipped Double Q-learning and Maxmin Q-learning. We test the performance of our improvement on a set of MuJoCo and Box2D continuous control tasks and find that it improves the state-of-the-art and outperforms the baseline algorithms in the majority of the environments.
Abstract:In value-based deep reinforcement learning methods, approximation of value functions induces overestimation bias and leads to suboptimal policies. We show that in deep actor-critic methods that aim to overcome the overestimation bias, if the reinforcement signals received by the agent have a high variance, a significant underestimation bias arises. To minimize the underestimation, we introduce a parameter-free, novel deep Q-learning variant. Our Q-value update rule combines the notions behind Clipped Double Q-learning and Maxmin Q-learning by computing the critic objective through the nested combination of maximum and minimum operators to bound the approximate value estimates. We evaluate our modification on the suite of several OpenAI Gym continuous control tasks, improving the state-of-the-art in every environment tested.