Abstract:The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance is an effective measure of alignment between distributions supported on distinct ambient spaces. Calculating essentially the mutual departure from isometry, it has found vast usage in domain translation and network analysis. It has long been shown to be vulnerable to contamination in the underlying measures. All efforts to introduce robustness in GW have been inspired by similar techniques in optimal transport (OT), which predominantly advocate partial mass transport or unbalancing. In contrast, the cross-domain alignment problem being fundamentally different from OT, demands specific solutions to tackle diverse applications and contamination regimes. Deriving from robust statistics, we discuss three contextually novel techniques to robustify GW and its variants. For each method, we explore metric properties and robustness guarantees along with their co-dependencies and individual relations with the GW distance. For a comprehensive view, we empirically validate their superior resilience to contamination under real machine learning tasks against state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Super-Resolution (SR) is a time-hallowed image processing problem that aims to improve the quality of a Low-Resolution (LR) sample up to the standard of its High-Resolution (HR) counterpart. We aim to address this by introducing Super-Resolution Generator (SuRGe), a fully-convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based architecture for SR. We show that distinct convolutional features obtained at increasing depths of a GAN generator can be optimally combined by a set of learnable convex weights to improve the quality of generated SR samples. In the process, we employ the Jensen-Shannon and the Gromov-Wasserstein losses respectively between the SR-HR and LR-SR pairs of distributions to further aid the generator of SuRGe to better exploit the available information in an attempt to improve SR. Moreover, we train the discriminator of SuRGe with the Wasserstein loss with gradient penalty, to primarily prevent mode collapse. The proposed SuRGe, as an end-to-end GAN workflow tailor-made for super-resolution, offers improved performance while maintaining low inference time. The efficacy of SuRGe is substantiated by its superior performance compared to 18 state-of-the-art contenders on 10 benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have been a pioneering force in the realm of deep generative models. Amongst its legions of progenies, Wasserstein Autoencoders (WAEs) stand out in particular due to the dual offering of heightened generative quality and a strong theoretical backbone. WAEs consist of an encoding and a decoding network forming a bottleneck with the prime objective of generating new samples resembling the ones it was catered to. In the process, they aim to achieve a target latent representation of the encoded data. Our work is an attempt to offer a theoretical understanding of the machinery behind WAEs. From a statistical viewpoint, we pose the problem as concurrent density estimation tasks based on neural network-induced transformations. This allows us to establish deterministic upper bounds on the realized errors WAEs commit. We also analyze the propagation of these stochastic errors in the presence of adversaries. As a result, both the large sample properties of the reconstructed distribution and the resilience of WAE models are explored.
Abstract:The project comes with the technique of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) which includes various research sides of computer science. The project is to take a picture of a character and process it up to recognize the image of that character like a human brain recognize the various digits. The project contains the deep idea of the Image Processing techniques and the big research area of machine learning and the building block of the machine learning called Neural Network. There are two different parts of the project. Training part comes with the idea of to train a child by giving various sets of similar characters but not the totally same and to say them the output of this is this. Like this idea one has to train the newly built neural network with so many characters. This part contains some new algorithm which is self-created and upgraded as the project need. The testing part contains the testing of a new dataset .This part always comes after the part of the training .At first one has to teach the child how to recognize the character .Then one has to take the test whether he has given right answer or not. If not, one has to train him harder by giving new dataset and new entries. Just like that one has to test the algorithm also. There are many parts of statistical modeling and optimization techniques which come into the project requiring a lot of modeling concept of statistics like optimizer technique and filtering process, that how the mathematics and prediction behind that filtering or the algorithms comes after or which result one actually needs to and ultimately for the prediction of a predictive model creation. Machine learning algorithm is built by concepts of prediction and programming.
Abstract:In the last year, the outbreak of COVID-19 has deployed computer vision and machine learning algorithms in various fields to enhance human life interactions. COVID-19 is a highly contaminated disease that affects mainly the respiratory organs of the human body. We must wear a mask in this situation as the virus can be contaminated through the air and a non-masked person can be affected. Our proposal deploys a computer vision and deep learning framework to recognize face masks from images or videos. We have implemented a Boundary dependent face cut recognition algorithm that can cut the face from the image using 27 landmarks and then the preprocessed image can further be sent to the deep learning ResNet50 model. The experimental result shows a significant advancement of 3.4 percent compared to the YOLOV3 mask recognition architecture in just 10 epochs.