Abstract:Our work examines the efficacy of employing advanced machine learning methods to solve captchas from Google's reCAPTCHAv2 system. We evaluate the effectiveness of automated systems in solving captchas by utilizing advanced YOLO models for image segmentation and classification. Our main result is that we can solve 100% of the captchas, while previous work only solved 68-71%. Furthermore, our findings suggest that there is no significant difference in the number of challenges humans and bots must solve to pass the captchas in reCAPTCHAv2. This implies that current AI technologies can exploit advanced image-based captchas. We also look under the hood of reCAPTCHAv2, and find evidence that reCAPTCHAv2 is heavily based on cookie and browser history data when evaluating whether a user is human or not. The code is provided alongside this paper.
Abstract:This paper presents SYBILGAT, a novel approach to Sybil detection in social networks using Graph Attention Networks (GATs). Traditional methods for Sybil detection primarily leverage structural properties of networks; however, they tend to struggle with a large number of attack edges and are often unable to simultaneously utilize both known Sybil and honest nodes. Our proposed method addresses these limitations by dynamically assigning attention weights to different nodes during aggregations, enhancing detection performance. We conducted extensive experiments in various scenarios, including pretraining in sampled subgraphs, synthetic networks, and networks under targeted attacks. The results show that SYBILGAT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms, particularly in scenarios with high attack complexity and when the number of attack edges increases. Our approach shows robust performance across different network models and sizes, even as the detection task becomes more challenging. We successfully applied the model to a real-world Twitter graph with more than 269k nodes and 6.8M edges. The flexibility and generalizability of SYBILGAT make it a promising tool to defend against Sybil attacks in online social networks with only structural information.
Abstract:Modern CAPTCHAs rely heavily on vision tasks that are supposedly hard for computers but easy for humans. However, advances in image recognition models pose a significant threat to such CAPTCHAs. These models can easily be fooled by generating some well-hidden "random" noise and adding it to the image, or hiding objects in the image. However, these methods are model-specific and thus can not aid CAPTCHAs in fooling all models. We show in this work that by allowing for more significant changes to the images while preserving the semantic information and keeping it solvable by humans, we can fool many state-of-the-art models. Specifically, we demonstrate that by adding masks of various intensities the Accuracy @ 1 (Acc@1) drops by more than 50%-points for all models, and supposedly robust models such as vision transformers see an Acc@1 drop of 80%-points. These masks can therefore effectively fool modern image classifiers, thus showing that machines have not caught up with humans -- yet.