Abstract:Adaptive optimization algorithms -- such as Adagrad, Adam, and their variants -- have found widespread use in machine learning, signal processing and many other settings. Several methods in this family are not rotationally equivariant, meaning that simple reparameterizations (i.e. change of basis) can drastically affect their convergence. However, their sensitivity to the choice of parameterization has not been systematically studied; it is not clear how to identify a "favorable" change of basis in which these methods perform best. In this paper we propose a reparameterization method and demonstrate both theoretically and empirically its potential to improve their convergence behavior. Our method is an orthonormal transformation based on the expected gradient outer product (EGOP) matrix, which can be approximated using either full-batch or stochastic gradient oracles. We show that for a broad class of functions, the sensitivity of adaptive algorithms to choice-of-basis is influenced by the decay of the EGOP matrix spectrum. We illustrate the potential impact of EGOP reparameterization by presenting empirical evidence and theoretical arguments that common machine learning tasks with "natural" data exhibit EGOP spectral decay.
Abstract:The aim in many sciences is to understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed distribution of variables, starting from a set of initial hypotheses. Causal discovery allows us to infer mechanisms as sets of cause and effect relationships in a generalized way -- without necessarily tailoring to a specific domain. Causal discovery algorithms search over a structured hypothesis space, defined by the set of directed acyclic graphs, to find the graph that best explains the data. For high-dimensional problems, however, this search becomes intractable and scalable algorithms for causal discovery are needed to bridge the gap. In this paper, we define a novel causal graph partition that allows for divide-and-conquer causal discovery with theoretical guarantees. We leverage the idea of a superstructure -- a set of learned or existing candidate hypotheses -- to partition the search space. We prove under certain assumptions that learning with a causal graph partition always yields the Markov Equivalence Class of the true causal graph. We show our algorithm achieves comparable accuracy and a faster time to solution for biologically-tuned synthetic networks and networks up to ${10^4}$ variables. This makes our method applicable to gene regulatory network inference and other domains with high-dimensional structured hypothesis spaces.
Abstract:High-quality healthcare in the US can be cost-prohibitive for certain socioeconomic groups. In this paper, we examined data from the US Census and the CDC to determine the degree to which specific socioeconomic factors correlate with both specific and general health metrics. We employed visual analysis to find broad trends and predictive modeling to identify more complex relationships between variables. Our results indicate that certain socioeconomic factors, like income and educational attainment, are highly correlated with aggregate measures of health.
Abstract:We are interested in the clustering problem on graphs: it is known that if there are two underlying clusters, then the signs of the eigenvector corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix can reliably reconstruct the two clusters. We argue that the vertices for which the eigenvector has the largest and the smallest entries, respectively, are unusually strongly connected to their own cluster and more reliably classified than the rest. This can be regarded as a discrete version of the Hot Spots conjecture and should be useful in applications. We give a rigorous proof for the stochastic block model and several examples.