Abstract:We consider a cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) network, where unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with multiple antennas serve as distributed UAV-access points (UAV-APs). These UAV-APs provide seamless coverage by jointly serving user equipments (UEs) with out predefined cell boundaries. However, high-capacity wireless networks face significant challenges due to fronthaul limitations in UAV-assisted architectures. This letter proposes a novel UAV-based cell-free mMIMO framework that leverages distributed UAV-APs to serve UEs while addressing the capacity constraints of wireless fronthaul links. We evaluate functional split Options 7.2 and 8 for the fronthaul links, aiming to maximize the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) among the UEs and minimize the power consumption by optimizing the transmit powers of UAV-APs and selectively activating them. Our analysis compares sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave (mmWave) bands for the fronthaul, showing that mmWave achieves superior SINR with lower power consumption, particularly under Option 8. Additionally, we determine the minimum fronthaul bandwidth required to activate a single UAV-AP under different split options.
Abstract:In vehicle-to-everything (V2X) applications, roadside units (RSUs) can be tasked with both sensing and communication functions to enable sensing-assisted communications. Recent studies have demonstrated that distance, angle, and velocity information obtained through sensing can be leveraged to reduce the overhead associated with communication beam tracking. In this work, we extend this concept to scenarios involving multiple distributed RSUs and distributed MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) systems. We derive the state evolution model, formulate the extended Kalman-filter equations, and implement predictive beamforming for distributed MIMO. Simulation results indicate that, when compared with a co-located massive MIMO antenna array, distributed antennas lead to more uniform and robust sensing performance, coverage, and data rates, while the vehicular user is in motion.
Abstract:Cell-free massive MIMO improves the fairness among the user equipments (UEs) in the network by distributing many cooperating access points (APs) around the region while connecting them to a centralized cloud-computing unit that coordinates joint transmission/reception. However, the fiber cable deployment for the fronthaul transport network and activating all available antennas at each AP lead to increased deployment cost and power consumption for fronthaul signaling and processing. To overcome these challenges, in this work, we consider wireless fronthaul connections and propose a joint antenna activation and power allocation algorithm to minimize the end-to-end (from radio to cloud) power while satisfying the quality-of-service requirements of the UEs under wireless fronthaul capacity limitations. The results demonstrate that the proposed methodology of deactivating antennas at each AP reduces the power consumption by 50% and 84% compared to the benchmarks based on shutting down APs and minimizing only the transmit power, respectively.
Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) can improve the capacity of wireless communication links by passively beamforming the impinging signals in desired directions. This feature has been demonstrated both analytically and experimentally for conventional RISs, consisting of independently reflecting elements. To further enhance reconfigurability, a new architecture called beyond-diagonal RIS (BD-RIS) has been proposed. It allows for controllable signal flows between RIS elements, resulting in a non-diagonal reflection matrix, unlike the conventional RIS architecture. Previous studies on BD-RIS-assisted communications have predominantly considered single-antenna transmitters/receivers. One recent work provides an iterative capacity-improving algorithm for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) setups but without providing geometrical insights. In this paper, we derive the first closed-form capacity-maximizing BD-RIS reflection matrix for a MIMO channel. We describe how this solution pairs together propagation paths, how it behaves when the signal-to-noise ratio is high, and what capacity is achievable with ideal semi-unitary channel matrices. The analytical results are corroborated numerically.
Abstract:Accurate estimation of the cascaded channel from a user equipment (UE) to a base station (BS) via each reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) element is critical to realizing the full potential of the RIS's ability to control the overall channel. The number of parameters to be estimated is equal to the number of RIS elements, requiring an equal number of pilots unless an underlying structure can be identified. In this paper, we show how the spatial correlation inherent in the different RIS channels provides this desired structure. We first optimize the RIS phase-shift pattern using a much-reduced pilot length (determined by the rank of the spatial correlation matrices) to minimize the mean square error (MSE) in the channel estimation under electromagnetic interference. In addition to considering the linear minimum MSE (LMMSE) channel estimator, we propose a novel channel estimator that requires only knowledge of the array geometry while not requiring any user-specific statistical information. We call this the reduced-subspace least squares (RS-LS) estimator and optimize the RIS phase-shift pattern for it. This novel estimator significantly outperforms the conventional LS estimator. For both the LMMSE and RS-LS estimators, the proposed optimized RIS configurations result in significant channel estimation improvements over the benchmarks.
Abstract:Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) allows networks to perform sensing alongside data transmission. While most ISAC studies focus on single-target, multi-user scenarios, multi-target sensing is scarcely researched. This letter examines the monostatic sensing performance of a multi-target massive MIMO system, aiming to minimize the sum of Cram\'er-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) for target direction-of-arrival estimates while meeting user equipment (UE) rate requirements. We propose several precoding schemes, comparing sensing performance and complexity, and find that sensing-focused precoding with power allocation for communication achieves near-optimal performance with 20 times less complexity than joint precoding. Additionally, time-sharing between communication and sensing outperforms simple time division, highlighting the benefits of resource-sharing for ISAC.
Abstract:A large-scale MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) system offers significant advantages in wireless communication, including potential spatial multiplexing and beamforming capabilities. However, channel estimation becomes challenging with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver ends. The minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimator, for instance, requires a spatial correlation matrix whose dimensions scale with the square of the product of the number of antennas on the transmitter and receiver sides. This scaling presents a substantial challenge, particularly as antenna counts increase in line with current technological trends. Traditional MIMO literature offers alternative channel estimators that mitigate the need to fully acquire the spatial correlation matrix. In this paper, we revisit point-to-point MIMO channel estimation and introduce a reduced-subspace least squares (RS-LS) channel estimator designed to eliminate physically impossible channel dimensions inherent in uniform planar arrays. Additionally, we propose a cluster-aware RS-LS estimator that leverages both reduced and cluster-specific subspace properties, significantly enhancing performance over the conventional RS-LS approach. Notably, both proposed methods obviate the need for fully/partial knowledge of the spatial correlation matrix.
Abstract:The reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology emerges as a highly useful component of the rapidly evolving integrated sensing and communications paradigm, primarily owing to its remarkable signal-to-noise ratio enhancement capabilities. In this paper, our focus is on mono-static target detection while considering the communication requirement of a user equipment. Both sensing and communication benefit from the presence of an RIS, which makes the channels richer and stronger. Diverging from prior research, we comprehensively examine three target echo paths: the direct (static) channel path, the path via the RIS, and a combination of these, each characterized by distinct radar cross sections (RCSs). We take both the line-of-sight (LOS) and the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) paths into account under a clutter for which the distribution is not known, but the low-rank subspace it resides. We derive the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) detector and introduce a novel approach for jointly optimizing the configuration of RIS phase-shifts and precoding. Our simulation results underscore the paramount importance of this combined design in terms of enhancing detection probability. Moreover, it becomes evident that the derived clutter-aware target detection significantly enhances detection performance, especially when the clutter is strong.
Abstract:Cell-free massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is a promising network architecture for beyond 5G systems, which can particularly offer more uniform data rates across the coverage area. Recent works have shown how reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) can be used as relays in cell-free massive MIMO networks to improve data rates further. In this paper, we analyze an alternative architecture where an RIS is integrated into the antenna array at each access point and acts as an intelligent transmitting surface to expand the aperture area. This approach alleviates the multiplicative fading effect that normally makes RIS-aided systems inefficient and offers a cost-effective alternative to building large antenna arrays. We use a small number of antennas and a larger number of controllable RIS elements to match the performance of an antenna array whose size matches that of the RIS. In this paper, we explore this innovative transceiver architecture in the uplink of a cell-free massive MIMO system for the first time, demonstrating its potential benefits through analytic and numerical contributions. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of our proposed phase-shift configuration and highlight scenarios where the proposed architecture significantly enhances data rates.
Abstract:After nearly a century of specialized applications in optics, remote sensing, and acoustics, the near-field (NF) electromagnetic propagation zone is experiencing a resurgence in research interest. This renewed attention is fueled by the emergence of promising applications in various fields such as wireless communications, holography, medical imaging, and quantum-inspired systems. Signal processing within NF sensing and wireless communications environments entails addressing issues related to extended scatterers, range-dependent beampatterns, spherical wavefronts, mutual coupling effects, and the presence of both reactive and radiative fields. Recent investigations have focused on these aspects in the context of extremely large arrays and wide bandwidths, giving rise to novel challenges in channel estimation, beamforming, beam training, sensing, and localization. While NF optics has a longstanding history, advancements in NF phase retrieval techniques and their applications have lately garnered significant research attention. Similarly, utilizing NF localization with acoustic arrays represents a contemporary extension of established principles in NF acoustic array signal processing. This article aims to provide an overview of state-of-the-art signal processing techniques within the NF domain, offering a comprehensive perspective on recent advances in diverse applications.