The National Robotics Initiative (NRI) was launched 2011 and is about to celebrate its 5 year anniversary. In parallel with the NRI, the robotics community, with support from the Computing Community Consortium, engaged in a series of road mapping exercises. The first version of the roadmap appeared in September 2009; a second updated version appeared in 2013. While not directly aligned with the NRI, these road-mapping documents have provided both a useful charting of the robotics research space, as well as a metric by which to measure progress. This report sets forth a perspective of progress in robotics over the past five years, and provides a set of recommendations for the future. The NRI has in its formulation a strong emphasis on co-robot, i.e., robots that work directly with people. An obvious question is if this should continue to be the focus going forward? To try to assess what are the main trends, what has happened the last 5 years and what may be promising directions for the future a small CCC sponsored study was launched to have two workshops, one in Washington DC (March 5th, 2016) and another in San Francisco, CA (March 11th, 2016). In this report we brief summarize some of the main discussions and observations from those workshops. We will present a variety of background information in Section 2, and outline various issues related to progress over the last 5 years in Section 3. In Section 4 we will outline a number of opportunities for moving forward. Finally, we will summarize the main points in Section 5.