Predicting future trajectories of surrounding obstacles is a crucial task for autonomous driving cars to achieve a high degree of road safety. There are several challenges in trajectory prediction in real-world traffic scenarios, including obeying traffic rules, dealing with social interactions, handling traffic of multi-class movement, and predicting multi-modal trajectories with probability. Inspired by people's natural habit of navigating traffic with attention to their goals and surroundings, this paper presents a unique dynamic graph attention network to solve all those challenges. The network is designed to model the dynamic social interactions among agents and conform to traffic rules with a semantic map. By extending the anchor-based method to multiple types of agents, the proposed method can predict multi-modal trajectories with probabilities for multi-class movements using a single model. We validate our approach on the proprietary autonomous driving dataset for the logistic delivery scenario and two publicly available datasets. The results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques and demonstrates the potential for trajectory prediction in real-world traffic.