Recent studies indicate that Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 with Vision (GPT-4V) outperforms human physicians in medical challenge tasks. However, these evaluations primarily focused on the accuracy of multi-choice questions alone. Our study extends the current scope by conducting a comprehensive analysis of GPT-4V's rationales of image comprehension, recall of medical knowledge, and step-by-step multimodal reasoning when solving New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Image Challenges - an imaging quiz designed to test the knowledge and diagnostic capabilities of medical professionals. Evaluation results confirmed that GPT-4V outperforms human physicians regarding multi-choice accuracy (88.0% vs. 77.0%, p=0.034). GPT-4V also performs well in cases where physicians incorrectly answer, with over 80% accuracy. However, we discovered that GPT-4V frequently presents flawed rationales in cases where it makes the correct final choices (27.3%), most prominent in image comprehension (21.6%). Regardless of GPT-4V's high accuracy in multi-choice questions, our findings emphasize the necessity for further in-depth evaluations of its rationales before integrating such models into clinical workflows.