Drama is a form of storytelling inspired by human creativity, proceeding with a predefined storyline, carrying emotions and thoughts. This paper introduces \emph{LLM-based interactive drama}, which endows traditional drama with an unprecedented immersion, where a person is allowed to walk into it and interact with the characters and scenes. We define this new artistic genre by 6 essential elements-plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle and interaction-and study the entire pipeline to forge a backbone \emph{drama LLM} to drive the playing process, which is challenged by limited drama resources, uncontrollable narrative development, and complicated instruction following. We propose \emph{Narrative Chain} to offer finer control over the narrative progression during interaction with players; \emph{Auto-Drama} to synthesize drama scripts given arbitrary stories; \emph{Sparse Instruction Tuning} to allow the model to follow sophisticated instructions. We manually craft 3 scripts, \emph{Detective Conan}, \emph{Harry Potter}, \emph{Romeo and Juliet}, and design a 5-dimension principle to evaluate the drama LLM comprehensively.