This technical report summarizes the winning solution for the 3D Occupancy Prediction Challenge, which is held in conjunction with the CVPR 2023 Workshop on End-to-End Autonomous Driving and CVPR 23 Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving Workshop. Our proposed solution FB-OCC builds upon FB-BEV, a cutting-edge camera-based bird's-eye view perception design using forward-backward projection. On top of FB-BEV, we further study novel designs and optimization tailored to the 3D occupancy prediction task, including joint depth-semantic pre-training, joint voxel-BEV representation, model scaling up, and effective post-processing strategies. These designs and optimization result in a state-of-the-art mIoU score of 54.19% on the nuScenes dataset, ranking the 1st place in the challenge track. Code and models will be released at: