The disparity in accuracy between classes in standard training is amplified during adversarial training, a phenomenon termed the robust fairness problem. Existing methodologies aimed to enhance robust fairness by sacrificing the model's performance on easier classes in order to improve its performance on harder ones. However, we observe that under adversarial attacks, the majority of the model's predictions for samples from the worst class are biased towards classes similar to the worst class, rather than towards the easy classes. Through theoretical and empirical analysis, we demonstrate that robust fairness deteriorates as the distance between classes decreases. Motivated by these insights, we introduce the Distance-Aware Fair Adversarial training (DAFA) methodology, which addresses robust fairness by taking into account the similarities between classes. Specifically, our method assigns distinct loss weights and adversarial margins to each class and adjusts them to encourage a trade-off in robustness among similar classes. Experimental results across various datasets demonstrate that our method not only maintains average robust accuracy but also significantly improves the worst robust accuracy, indicating a marked improvement in robust fairness compared to existing methods.