Abstract:We consider the infinite-horizon linear Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where the transition probabilities of the dynamic model can be linearly parameterized with the help of a predefined low-dimensional feature mapping. While the existing regression-based approaches have been theoretically shown to achieve nearly-optimal regret, they are computationally rather inefficient due to the need for a large number of optimization runs in each time step, especially when the state and action spaces are large. To address this issue, we propose to solve linear MDPs through the lens of Value-Biased Maximum Likelihood Estimation (VBMLE), which is a classic model-based exploration principle in the adaptive control literature for resolving the well-known closed-loop identification problem of Maximum Likelihood Estimation. We formally show that (i) VBMLE enjoys $\widetilde{O}(d\sqrt{T})$ regret, where $T$ is the time horizon and $d$ is the dimension of the model parameter, and (ii) VBMLE is computationally more efficient as it only requires solving one optimization problem in each time step. In our regret analysis, we offer a generic convergence result of MLE in linear MDPs through a novel supermartingale construct and uncover an interesting connection between linear MDPs and online learning, which could be of independent interest. Finally, the simulation results show that VBMLE significantly outperforms the benchmark method in terms of both empirical regret and computation time.
Abstract:Reward-biased maximum likelihood estimation (RBMLE) is a classic principle in the adaptive control literature for tackling explore-exploit trade-offs. This paper studies the stochastic contextual bandit problem with general bounded reward functions and proposes NeuralRBMLE, which adapts the RBMLE principle by adding a bias term to the log-likelihood to enforce exploration. NeuralRBMLE leverages the representation power of neural networks and directly encodes exploratory behavior in the parameter space, without constructing confidence intervals of the estimated rewards. We propose two variants of NeuralRBMLE algorithms: The first variant directly obtains the RBMLE estimator by gradient ascent, and the second variant simplifies RBMLE to a simple index policy through an approximation. We show that both algorithms achieve $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that the NeuralRBMLE algorithms achieve comparable or better empirical regrets than the state-of-the-art methods on real-world datasets with non-linear reward functions.
Abstract:Modifying the reward-biased maximum likelihood method originally proposed in the adaptive control literature, we propose novel learning algorithms to handle the explore-exploit trade-off in linear bandits problems as well as generalized linear bandits problems. We develop novel index policies that we prove achieve order-optimality, and show that they achieve empirical performance competitive with the state-of-the-art benchmark methods in extensive experiments. The new policies achieve this with low computation time per pull for linear bandits, and thereby resulting in both favorable regret as well as computational efficiency.