Abstract:We present a new lighting estimation and editing framework to generate high-dynamic-range (HDR) indoor panorama lighting from a single limited field-of-view (LFOV) image captured by low-dynamic-range (LDR) cameras. Existing lighting estimation methods either directly regress lighting representation parameters or decompose this problem into LFOV-to-panorama and LDR-to-HDR lighting generation sub-tasks. However, due to the partial observation, the high-dynamic-range lighting, and the intrinsic ambiguity of a scene, lighting estimation remains a challenging task. To tackle this problem, we propose a coupled dual-StyleGAN panorama synthesis network (StyleLight) that integrates LDR and HDR panorama synthesis into a unified framework. The LDR and HDR panorama synthesis share a similar generator but have separate discriminators. During inference, given an LDR LFOV image, we propose a focal-masked GAN inversion method to find its latent code by the LDR panorama synthesis branch and then synthesize the HDR panorama by the HDR panorama synthesis branch. StyleLight takes LFOV-to-panorama and LDR-to-HDR lighting generation into a unified framework and thus greatly improves lighting estimation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art methods on indoor lighting estimation. Notably, StyleLight also enables intuitive lighting editing on indoor HDR panoramas, which is suitable for real-world applications. Code is available at https://style-light.github.io.