Abstract:Fake news threatens democracy and exacerbates the polarization and divisions in society; therefore, accurately detecting online misinformation is the foundation of addressing this issue. We present CrediRAG, the first fake news detection model that combines language models with access to a rich external political knowledge base with a dense social network to detect fake news across social media at scale. CrediRAG uses a news retriever to initially assign a misinformation score to each post based on the source credibility of similar news articles to the post title content. CrediRAG then improves the initial retrieval estimations through a novel weighted post-to-post network connected based on shared commenters and weighted by the average stance of all shared commenters across every pair of posts. We achieve 11% increase in the F1-score in detecting misinformative posts over state-of-the-art methods. Extensive experiments conducted on curated real-world Reddit data of over 200,000 posts demonstrate the superior performance of CrediRAG on existing baselines. Thus, our approach offers a more accurate and scalable solution to combat the spread of fake news across social media platforms.
Abstract:In the era of social media platforms, identifying the credibility of online content is crucial to combat misinformation. We present the CREDiBERT (CREDibility assessment using Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a source credibility assessment model fine-tuned for Reddit submissions focusing on political discourse as the main contribution. We adopt a semi-supervised training approach for CREDiBERT, leveraging Reddit's community-based structure. By encoding submission content using CREDiBERT and integrating it into a Siamese neural network, we significantly improve the binary classification of submission credibility, achieving a 9% increase in F1 score compared to existing methods. Additionally, we introduce a new version of the post-to-post network in Reddit that efficiently encodes user interactions to enhance the binary classification task by nearly 8% in F1 score. Finally, we employ CREDiBERT to evaluate the susceptibility of subreddits with respect to different topics.