Abstract:Surgical procedures are inherently complex and dynamic, with intricate dependencies and various execution paths. Accurate identification of the intentions behind critical actions, referred to as Primary Intentions (PIs), is crucial to understanding and planning the procedure. This paper presents a novel framework that advances PI recognition in instructional videos by combining top-down grammatical structure with bottom-up visual cues. The grammatical structure is based on a rich corpus of surgical procedures, offering a hierarchical perspective on surgical activities. A grammar parser, utilizing the surgical activity grammar, processes visual data obtained from laparoscopic images through surgical action detectors, ensuring a more precise interpretation of the visual information. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms existing surgical activity detectors that rely solely on visual features. Our research provides a promising foundation for developing advanced robotic surgical systems with enhanced planning and automation capabilities.
Abstract:By using deep learning approaches, Speech Emotion Recog-nition (SER) on a single domain has achieved many excellentresults. However, cross-domain SER is still a challenging taskdue to the distribution shift between source and target domains.In this work, we propose a Domain Adversarial Neural Net-work (DANN) based approach to mitigate this distribution shiftproblem for cross-lingual SER. Specifically, we add a languageclassifier and gradient reversal layer after the feature extractor toforce the learned representation both language-independent andemotion-meaningful. Our method is unsupervised, i. e., labelson target language are not required, which makes it easier to ap-ply our method to other languages. Experimental results showthe proposed method provides an average absolute improve-ment of 3.91% over the baseline system for arousal and valenceclassification task. Furthermore, we find that batch normaliza-tion is beneficial to the performance gain of DANN. Thereforewe also explore the effect of different ways of data combinationfor batch normalization.