Abstract:Traditional sequential recommendation (SR) methods heavily rely on explicit item IDs to capture user preferences over time. This reliance introduces critical limitations in cold-start scenarios and domain transfer tasks, where unseen items and new contexts often lack established ID mappings. To overcome these limitations, recent studies have shifted towards leveraging text-only information for recommendation, thereby improving model generalization and adaptability across domains. Although promising, text-based SR faces unique difficulties: items' text descriptions often share semantic similarities that lead to clustered item representations, compromising their uniformity, a property essential for promoting diversity and enhancing generalization in recommendation systems. In this paper, we explore a novel framework to improve the uniformity of item representations in text-based SR. Our analysis reveals that items within a sequence exhibit marked semantic similarity, meaning they are closer in representation than items overall, and that this effect is more pronounced for less popular items, which form tighter clusters compared to their more popular counterparts. Based on these findings, we propose UniT, a framework that employs three pairwise item sampling strategies: Unified General Sampling Strategy, Sequence-Driven Sampling Strategy, and Popularity-Driven Sampling Strategy. Each strategy applies varying degrees of repulsion to selectively adjust the distances between item pairs, thereby refining representation uniformity while considering both sequence context and item popularity. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art models, validating the effectiveness of UniT in enhancing both representation uniformity and recommendation accuracy.The source code is available at https://github.com/ccwwhhh/Model-Rec.
Abstract:Terahertz (THz) communications, with their substantial bandwidth, are essential for meeting the ultra-high data rate demands of emerging high-mobility scenarios such as vehicular-to-everything (V2X) networks. In these contexts, beamwidth adaptation has been explored to address the problem that high-mobility targets frequently move out of the narrow THz beam range. However, existing approaches cannot effectively track targets due to a lack of real-time motion awareness. Consequently, we propose a sensing-assisted beam tracking scheme with real-time beamwidth adaptation. Specifically, the base station (BS) periodically collects prior sensing information to predict the target's motion path by applying a particular motion model. Then, we build a pre-calculated codebook by optimising precoders to align the beamwidth with various predicted target paths, thereby maximising the average achievable data rates within each sensing period. Finally, the BS selects the optimal precoder from the codebook to maintain stable and continuous connectivity. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly improves the rate performance and reduces outage probability compared to existing approaches under various target mobility.