Abstract:Neuro-Symbolic (NeSy) AI could be regarded as an analogy to human dual-process cognition, modeling the intuitive System 1 with neural networks and the algorithmic System 2 with symbolic reasoning. However, for complex learning targets, NeSy systems often generate outputs inconsistent with domain knowledge and it is challenging to rectify them. Inspired by the human Cognitive Reflection, which promptly detects errors in our intuitive response and revises them by invoking the System 2 reasoning, we propose to improve NeSy systems by introducing Abductive Reflection (ABL-Refl) based on the Abductive Learning (ABL) framework. ABL-Refl leverages domain knowledge to abduce a reflection vector during training, which can then flag potential errors in the neural network outputs and invoke abduction to rectify them and generate consistent outputs during inference. ABL-Refl is highly efficient in contrast to previous ABL implementations. Experiments show that ABL-Refl outperforms state-of-the-art NeSy methods, achieving excellent accuracy with fewer training resources and enhanced efficiency.