Abstract:We propose a class of structured diffusion models, in which the prior distribution is chosen as a mixture of Gaussians, rather than a standard Gaussian distribution. The specific mixed Gaussian distribution, as prior, can be chosen to incorporate certain structured information of the data. We develop a simple-to-implement training procedure that smoothly accommodates the use of mixed Gaussian as prior. Theory is provided to quantify the benefits of our proposed models, compared to the classical diffusion models. Numerical experiments with synthetic, image and operational data are conducted to show comparative advantages of our model. Our method is shown to be robust to mis-specifications and in particular suits situations where training resources are limited or faster training in real time is desired.
Abstract:The problem of symbolic music generation presents unique challenges due to the combination of limited data availability and the need for high precision in note pitch. To overcome these difficulties, we introduce Fine-grained Textural Guidance (FTG) within diffusion models to correct errors in the learned distributions. By incorporating FTG, the diffusion models improve the accuracy of music generation, which makes them well-suited for advanced tasks such as progressive music generation, improvisation and interactive music creation. We derive theoretical characterizations for both the challenges in symbolic music generation and the effect of the FTG approach. We provide numerical experiments and a demo page for interactive music generation with user input to showcase the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:We formulate, analyze and solve the problem of best arm identification with fairness constraints on subpopulations (BAICS). Standard best arm identification problems aim at selecting an arm that has the largest expected reward where the expectation is taken over the entire population. The BAICS problem requires that an selected arm must be fair to all subpopulations (e.g., different ethnic groups, age groups, or customer types) by satisfying constraints that the expected reward conditional on every subpopulation needs to be larger than some thresholds. The BAICS problem aims at correctly identify, with high confidence, the arm with the largest expected reward from all arms that satisfy subpopulation constraints. We analyze the complexity of the BAICS problem by proving a best achievable lower bound on the sample complexity with closed-form representation. We then design an algorithm and prove that the algorithm's sample complexity matches with the lower bound in terms of order. A brief account of numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the theoretical findings.