Abstract:Many crucial biological processes rely on networks of protein-protein interactions. Predicting the effect of amino acid mutations on protein-protein binding is vital in protein engineering and therapeutic discovery. However, the scarcity of annotated experimental data on binding energy poses a significant challenge for developing computational approaches, particularly deep learning-based methods. In this work, we propose SidechainDiff, a representation learning-based approach that leverages unlabelled experimental protein structures. SidechainDiff utilizes a Riemannian diffusion model to learn the generative process of side-chain conformations and can also give the structural context representations of mutations on the protein-protein interface. Leveraging the learned representations, we achieve state-of-the-art performance in predicting the mutational effects on protein-protein binding. Furthermore, SidechainDiff is the first diffusion-based generative model for side-chains, distinguishing it from prior efforts that have predominantly focused on generating protein backbone structures.
Abstract:Relationship extraction and named entity recognition have always been considered as two distinct tasks that require different input data, labels, and models. However, both are essential for structured sentiment analysis. We believe that both tasks can be combined into a single stacked model with the same input data. We performed different experiments to find the best model to extract multiple opinion tuples from a single sentence. The opinion tuples will consist of holders, targets, and expressions. With the opinion tuples, we will be able to extract the relationship we need.