Abstract:We show how to distinguish circuits with $\log k$ negations (a.k.a $k$-monotone functions) from uniformly random functions in $\exp\left(\tilde{O}\left(n^{1/3}k^{2/3}\right)\right)$ time using random samples. The previous best distinguisher, due to the learning algorithm by Blais, Cannone, Oliveira, Servedio, and Tan (RANDOM'15), requires $\exp\big(\tilde{O}(n^{1/2} k)\big)$ time. Our distinguishers are based on Fourier analysis on \emph{slices of the Boolean cube}. We show that some "middle" slices of negation-limited circuits have strong low-degree Fourier concentration and then we apply a variation of the classic Linial, Mansour, and Nisan "Low-Degree algorithm" (JACM'93) on slices. Our techniques also lead to a slightly improved weak learner for negation limited circuits under the uniform distribution.
Abstract:A Boolean $k$-monotone function defined over a finite poset domain ${\cal D}$ alternates between the values $0$ and $1$ at most $k$ times on any ascending chain in ${\cal D}$. Therefore, $k$-monotone functions are natural generalizations of the classical monotone functions, which are the $1$-monotone functions. Motivated by the recent interest in $k$-monotone functions in the context of circuit complexity and learning theory, and by the central role that monotonicity testing plays in the context of property testing, we initiate a systematic study of $k$-monotone functions, in the property testing model. In this model, the goal is to distinguish functions that are $k$-monotone (or are close to being $k$-monotone) from functions that are far from being $k$-monotone. Our results include the following: - We demonstrate a separation between testing $k$-monotonicity and testing monotonicity, on the hypercube domain $\{0,1\}^d$, for $k\geq 3$; - We demonstrate a separation between testing and learning on $\{0,1\}^d$, for $k=\omega(\log d)$: testing $k$-monotonicity can be performed with $2^{O(\sqrt d \cdot \log d\cdot \log{1/\varepsilon})}$ queries, while learning $k$-monotone functions requires $2^{\Omega(k\cdot \sqrt d\cdot{1/\varepsilon})}$ queries (Blais et al. (RANDOM 2015)). - We present a tolerant test for functions $f\colon[n]^d\to \{0,1\}$ with complexity independent of $n$, which makes progress on a problem left open by Berman et al. (STOC 2014). Our techniques exploit the testing-by-learning paradigm, use novel applications of Fourier analysis on the grid $[n]^d$, and draw connections to distribution testing techniques.