Abstract:Recommender systems play a crucial role in modern life, including information retrieval, the pharmaceutical industry, retail, and entertainment. The entertainment sector, in particular, attracts significant attention and generates substantial profits. This work proposes a new method for predicting unknown user-movie ratings to enhance customer satisfaction. To achieve this, we utilize the MovieLens 100K dataset. Our approach introduces an attention-based autoencoder to create meaningful representations and the XGBoost method for rating predictions. The results demonstrate that our proposal outperforms most of the existing state-of-the-art methods. Availability: github.com/ComputationIASBS/RecommSys
Abstract:Animals and robots exist in a physical world and must coordinate their bodies to achieve behavioral objectives. With recent developments in deep reinforcement learning, it is now possible for scientists and engineers to obtain sensorimotor strategies (policies) for specific tasks using physically simulated bodies and environments. However, the utility of these methods goes beyond the constraints of a specific task; they offer an exciting framework for understanding the organization of an animal sensorimotor system in connection to its morphology and physical interaction with the environment, as well as for deriving general design rules for sensing and actuation in robotic systems. Algorithms and code implementing both learning agents and environments are increasingly available, but the basic assumptions and choices that go into the formulation of an embodied feedback control problem using deep reinforcement learning may not be immediately apparent. Here, we present a concise exposition of the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of model-free reinforcement learning, specifically through the use of \textit{actor-critic} methods, as a tool for investigating the feedback control underlying animal and robotic behavior.
Abstract:Fish swim by undulating their bodies. These propulsive motions require coordinated shape changes of a body that interacts with its fluid environment, but the specific shape coordination that leads to robust turning and swimming motions remains unclear. We propose a simple model of a three-link fish swimming in a potential flow environment and we use model-free reinforcement learning to arrive at optimal shape changes for two swimming tasks: swimming in a desired direction and swimming towards a known target. This fish model belongs to a class of problems in geometric mechanics, known as driftless dynamical systems, which allow us to analyze the swimming behavior in terms of geometric phases over the shape space of the fish. These geometric methods are less intuitive in the presence of drift. Here, we use the shape space analysis as a tool for assessing, visualizing, and interpreting the control policies obtained via reinforcement learning in the absence of drift. We then examine the robustness of these policies to drift-related perturbations. Although the fish has no direct control over the drift itself, it learns to take advantage of the presence of moderate drift to reach its target.