Abstract:Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely on LiDAR sensors for environmental perception and decision-making in driving scenarios. However, ensuring the safety and reliability of AVs in complex environments remains a pressing challenge. To address this issue, we introduce a real-world dataset (ROLiD) comprising LiDAR-scanned point clouds of two random objects: water mist and smoke. In this paper, we introduce a novel adversarial perspective by proposing an attack framework that utilizes water mist and smoke to simulate environmental interference. Specifically, we propose a point cloud sequence generation method using a motion and content decomposition generative adversarial network named PCS-GAN to simulate the distribution of random objects. Furthermore, leveraging the simulated LiDAR scanning characteristics implemented with Range Image, we examine the effects of introducing random object perturbations at various positions on the target vehicle. Extensive experiments demonstrate that adversarial perturbations based on random objects effectively deceive vehicle detection and reduce the recognition rate of 3D object detection models.
Abstract:Although 3D point cloud classification neural network models have been widely used, the in-depth interpretation of the activation of the neurons and layers is still a challenge. We propose a novel approach, named Relevance Flow, to interpret the hidden semantics of 3D point cloud classification neural networks. It delivers the class Relevance to the activated neurons in the intermediate layers in a back-propagation manner, and associates the activation of neurons with the input points to visualize the hidden semantics of each layer. Specially, we reveal that the 3D point cloud classification neural network has learned the plane-level and part-level hidden semantics in the intermediate layers, and utilize the normal and IoU to evaluate the consistency of both levels' hidden semantics. Besides, by using the hidden semantics, we generate the adversarial attack samples to attack 3D point cloud classifiers. Experiments show that our proposed method reveals the hidden semantics of the 3D point cloud classification neural network on ModelNet40 and ShapeNet, which can be used for the unsupervised point cloud part segmentation without labels and attacking the 3D point cloud classifiers.
Abstract:As the key technology of augmented reality (AR), 3D recognition and tracking are always vulnerable to adversarial examples, which will cause serious security risks to AR systems. Adversarial examples are beneficial to improve the robustness of the 3D neural network model and enhance the stability of the AR system. At present, most 3D adversarial attack methods perturb the entire point cloud to generate adversarial examples, which results in high perturbation costs and difficulty in reconstructing the corresponding real objects in the physical world. In this paper, we propose an adaptive local adversarial attack method (AL-Adv) on 3D point clouds to generate adversarial point clouds. First, we analyze the vulnerability of the 3D network model and extract the salient regions of the input point cloud, namely the vulnerable regions. Second, we propose an adaptive gradient attack algorithm that targets vulnerable regions. The proposed attack algorithm adaptively assigns different disturbances in different directions of the three-dimensional coordinates of the point cloud. Experimental results show that our proposed method AL-Adv achieves a higher attack success rate than the global attack method. Specifically, the adversarial examples generated by the AL-Adv demonstrate good imperceptibility and small generation costs.