Abstract:Nanosatellite constellations equipped with sensors capturing large geographic regions provide unprecedented opportunities for Earth observation. As constellation sizes increase, network contention poses a downlink bottleneck. Orbital Edge Computing (OEC) leverages limited onboard compute resources to reduce transfer costs by processing the raw captures at the source. However, current solutions have limited practicability due to reliance on crude filtering methods or over-prioritizing particular downstream tasks. This work presents FOOL, an OEC-native and task-agnostic feature compression method that preserves prediction performance. FOOL partitions high-resolution satellite imagery to maximize throughput. Further, it embeds context and leverages inter-tile dependencies to lower transfer costs with negligible overhead. While FOOL is a feature compressor, it can recover images with competitive scores on perceptual quality measures at lower bitrates. We extensively evaluate transfer cost reduction by including the peculiarity of intermittently available network connections in low earth orbit. Lastly, we test the feasibility of our system for standardized nanosatellite form factors. We demonstrate that FOOL permits downlinking over 100x the data volume without relying on prior information on the downstream tasks.
Abstract:Quantum processing units (QPUs) are currently exclusively available from cloud vendors. However, with recent advancements, hosting QPUs is soon possible everywhere. Existing work has yet to draw from research in edge computing to explore systems exploiting mobile QPUs, or how hybrid applications can benefit from distributed heterogeneous resources. Hence, this work presents an architecture for Quantum Computing in the edge-cloud continuum. We discuss the necessity, challenges, and solution approaches for extending existing work on classical edge computing to integrate QPUs. We describe how warm-starting allows defining workflows that exploit the hierarchical resources spread across the continuum. Then, we introduce a distributed inference engine with hybrid classical-quantum neural networks (QNNs) to aid system designers in accommodating applications with complex requirements that incur the highest degree of heterogeneity. We propose solutions focusing on classical layer partitioning and quantum circuit cutting to demonstrate the potential of utilizing classical and quantum computation across the continuum. To evaluate the importance and feasibility of our vision, we provide a proof of concept that exemplifies how extending a classical partition method to integrate quantum circuits can improve the solution quality. Specifically, we implement a split neural network with optional hybrid QNN predictors. Our results show that extending classical methods with QNNs is viable and promising for future work.
Abstract:Lightweight neural networks exchange fast inference for predictive strength. Conversely, large deep neural networks have low prediction error but incur prolonged inference times and high energy consumption on resource-constrained devices. This trade-off is unacceptable for latency-sensitive and performance-critical applications. Offloading inference tasks to a server is unsatisfactory due to the inevitable network congestion by high-dimensional data competing for limited bandwidth and leaving valuable client-side resources idle. This work demonstrates why existing methods cannot adequately address the need for high-performance inference in mobile edge computing. Then, we show how to overcome current limitations by introducing a novel training method to reduce bandwidth consumption in Machine-to-Machine communication and a generalizable design heuristic for resource-conscious compression models. We extensively evaluate our proposed method against a wide range of baselines for latency and compressive strength in an environment with asymmetric resource distribution between edge devices and servers. Despite our edge-oriented lightweight encoder, our method achieves considerably better compression rates.