Abstract:This paper presents a neural-network-based solution to recover pixels occluded by clouds in satellite images. We leverage radio frequency (RF) signals in the ultra/super-high frequency band that penetrate clouds to help reconstruct the occluded regions in multispectral images. We introduce the first multi-modal multi-temporal cloud removal model. Our model uses publicly available satellite observations and produces daily cloud-free images. Experimental results show that our system significantly outperforms baselines by 8dB in PSNR. We also demonstrate use cases of our system in digital agriculture, flood monitoring, and wildfire detection. We will release the processed dataset to facilitate future research.
Abstract:Research in neural networks in the field of computer vision has achieved remarkable accuracy for point estimation. However, the uncertainty in the estimation is rarely addressed. Uncertainty quantification accompanied by point estimation can lead to a more informed decision, and even improve the prediction quality. In this work, we focus on uncertainty estimation in the domain of crowd counting. We propose a scalable neural network framework with quantification of decomposed uncertainty using a bootstrap ensemble. We demonstrate that the proposed uncertainty quantification method provides additional insight to the crowd counting problem and is simple to implement. We also show that our proposed method outperforms the current state of the art method in many benchmark data sets. To the best of our knowledge, we have the best system for ShanghaiTech part A and B, UCF CC 50, UCSD, and UCF-QNRF datasets.
Abstract:We consider the problem of removing and replacing clouds in satellite image sequences, which has a wide range of applications in remote sensing. Our approach first detects and removes the cloud-contaminated part of the image sequences. It then recovers the missing scenes from the clean parts using the proposed "TECROMAC" (TEmporally Contiguous RObust MAtrix Completion) objective. The objective function balances temporal smoothness with a low rank solution while staying close to the original observations. The matrix whose the rows are pixels and columnsare days corresponding to the image, has low-rank because the pixels reflect land-types such as vegetation, roads and lakes and there are relatively few variations as a result. We provide efficient optimization algorithms for TECROMAC, so we can exploit images containing millions of pixels. Empirical results on real satellite image sequences, as well as simulated data, demonstrate that our approach is able to recover underlying images from heavily cloud-contaminated observations.