Abstract:Simulating abundances of stable water isotopologues, i.e. molecules differing in their isotopic composition, within climate models allows for comparisons with proxy data and, thus, for testing hypotheses about past climate and validating climate models under varying climatic conditions. However, many models are run without explicitly simulating water isotopologues. We investigate the possibility to replace the explicit physics-based simulation of oxygen isotopic composition in precipitation using machine learning methods. These methods estimate isotopic composition at each time step for given fields of surface temperature and precipitation amount. We implement convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based on the successful UNet architecture and test whether a spherical network architecture outperforms the naive approach of treating Earth's latitude-longitude grid as a flat image. Conducting a case study on a last millennium run with the iHadCM3 climate model, we find that roughly 40\% of the temporal variance in the isotopic composition is explained by the emulations on interannual and monthly timescale, with spatially varying emulation quality. A modified version of the standard UNet architecture for flat images yields results that are equally good as the predictions by the spherical CNN. We test generalization to last millennium runs of other climate models and find that while the tested deep learning methods yield the best results on iHadCM3 data, the performance drops when predicting on other models and is comparable to simple pixel-wise linear regression. An extended choice of predictor variables and improving the robustness of learned climate--oxygen isotope relationships should be explored in future work.
Abstract:Paleoclimatology -- the study of past climate -- is relevant beyond climate science itself, such as in archaeology and anthropology for understanding past human dispersal. Information about the Earth's paleoclimate comes from simulations of physical and biogeochemical processes and from proxy records found in naturally occurring archives. Climate-field reconstructions (CFRs) combine these data into a statistical spatial or spatiotemporal model. To date, there exists no consensus spatiotemporal paleoclimate model that is continuous in space and time, produces predictions with uncertainty, and can include data from various sources. A Gaussian process (GP) model would have these desired properties; however, GPs scale unfavorably with data of the magnitude typical for building CFRs. We propose to build on recent advances in sparse spatiotemporal GPs that reduce the computational burden by combining variational methods based on inducing variables with the state-space formulation of GPs. We successfully employ such a doubly sparse GP to construct a probabilistic model of European paleoclimate from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the mid-Holocene (MH) that synthesizes paleoclimate simulations and fossilized pollen proxy data.