Abstract:Egocentric videos capture scenes from a wearer's viewpoint, resulting in dynamic backgrounds, frequent motion, and occlusions, posing challenges to accurate keystep recognition. We propose a flexible graph-learning framework for fine-grained keystep recognition that is able to effectively leverage long-term dependencies in egocentric videos, and leverage alignment between egocentric and exocentric videos during training for improved inference on egocentric videos. Our approach consists of constructing a graph where each video clip of the egocentric video corresponds to a node. During training, we consider each clip of each exocentric video (if available) as additional nodes. We examine several strategies to define connections across these nodes and pose keystep recognition as a node classification task on the constructed graphs. We perform extensive experiments on the Ego-Exo4D dataset and show that our proposed flexible graph-based framework notably outperforms existing methods by more than 12 points in accuracy. Furthermore, the constructed graphs are sparse and compute efficient. We also present a study examining on harnessing several multimodal features, including narrations, depth, and object class labels, on a heterogeneous graph and discuss their corresponding contribution to the keystep recognition performance.
Abstract:Sea ice, crucial to the Arctic and Earth's climate, requires consistent monitoring and high-resolution mapping. Manual sea ice mapping, however, is time-consuming and subjective, prompting the need for automated deep learning-based classification approaches. However, training these algorithms is challenging because expert-generated ice charts, commonly used as training data, do not map single ice types but instead map polygons with multiple ice types. Moreover, the distribution of various ice types in these charts is frequently imbalanced, resulting in a performance bias towards the dominant class. In this paper, we present a novel GeoAI approach to training sea ice classification by formalizing it as a partial label learning task with explicit confidence scores to address multiple labels and class imbalance. We treat the polygon-level labels as candidate partial labels, assign the corresponding ice concentrations as confidence scores to each candidate label, and integrate them with focal loss to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Our proposed approach leads to enhanced performance for sea ice classification in Sentinel-1 dual-polarized SAR images, improving classification accuracy (from 87% to 92%) and weighted average F-1 score (from 90% to 93%) compared to the conventional training approach of using one-hot encoded labels and Categorical Cross-Entropy loss. It also improves the F-1 score in 4 out of the 6 sea ice classes.
Abstract:Deploying deep learning on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is becoming more common for mapping purposes. One such case is sea ice, which is highly dynamic and rapidly changes as a result of the combined effect of wind, temperature, and ocean currents. Therefore, frequent mapping of sea ice is necessary to ensure safe marine navigation. However, there is a general shortage of expert-labeled data to train deep learning algorithms. Fine-tuning a pre-trained model on SAR imagery is a potential solution. In this paper, we compare the performance of deep learning models trained from scratch using randomly initialized weights against pre-trained models that we fine-tune for this purpose. Our results show that pre-trained models lead to better results, especially on test samples from the melt season.
Abstract:Up-to-date sea ice charts are crucial for safer navigation in ice-infested waters. Recently, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models show the potential to accelerate the generation of ice maps for large regions. However, results from CNN models still need to undergo scrutiny as higher metrics performance not always translate to adequate outputs. Sea ice type classes are imbalanced, requiring special treatment during training. We evaluate how three different loss functions, some developed for imbalanced class problems, affect the performance of CNN models trained to predict the dominant ice type in Sentinel-1 images. Despite the fact that Dice and Focal loss produce higher metrics, results from cross-entropy seem generally more physically consistent.
Abstract:Due to the growing volume of remote sensing data and the low latency required for safe marine navigation, machine learning (ML) algorithms are being developed to accelerate sea ice chart generation, currently a manual interpretation task. However, the low signal-to-noise ratio of the freely available Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, the ambiguity of backscatter signals for ice types, and the scarcity of open-source high-resolution labelled data makes automating sea ice mapping challenging. We use Extreme Earth version 2, a high-resolution benchmark dataset generated for ML training and evaluation, to investigate the effectiveness of ML for automated sea ice mapping. Our customized pipeline combines ResNets and Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling for SAR image segmentation. We investigate the performance of our model for: i) binary classification of sea ice and open water in a segmentation framework; and ii) a multiclass segmentation of five sea ice types. For binary ice-water classification, models trained with our largest training set have weighted F1 scores all greater than 0.95 for January and July test scenes. Specifically, the median weighted F1 score was 0.98, indicating high performance for both months. By comparison, a competitive baseline U-Net has a weighted average F1 score of ranging from 0.92 to 0.94 (median 0.93) for July, and 0.97 to 0.98 (median 0.97) for January. Multiclass ice type classification is more challenging, and even though our models achieve 2% improvement in weighted F1 average compared to the baseline U-Net, test weighted F1 is generally between 0.6 and 0.80. Our approach can efficiently segment full SAR scenes in one run, is faster than the baseline U-Net, retains spatial resolution and dimension, and is more robust against noise compared to approaches that rely on patch classification.
Abstract:With COVID-19 affecting every country globally and changing everyday life, the ability to forecast the spread of the disease is more important than any previous epidemic. The conventional methods of disease-spread modeling, compartmental models, are based on the assumption of spatiotemporal homogeneity of the spread of the virus, which may cause forecasting to underperform, especially at high spatial resolutions. In this paper we approach the forecasting task with an alternative technique - spatiotemporal machine learning. We present COVID-LSTM, a data-driven model based on a Long Short-term Memory deep learning architecture for forecasting COVID-19 incidence at the county-level in the US. We use the weekly number of new positive cases as temporal input, and hand-engineered spatial features from Facebook movement and connectedness datasets to capture the spread of the disease in time and space. COVID-LSTM outperforms the COVID-19 Forecast Hub's Ensemble model (COVIDhub-ensemble) on our 17-week evaluation period, making it the first model to be more accurate than the COVIDhub-ensemble over one or more forecast periods. Over the 4-week forecast horizon, our model is on average 50 cases per county more accurate than the COVIDhub-ensemble. We highlight that the underutilization of data-driven forecasting of disease spread prior to COVID-19 is likely due to the lack of sufficient data available for previous diseases, in addition to the recent advances in machine learning methods for spatiotemporal forecasting. We discuss the impediments to the wider uptake of data-driven forecasting, and whether it is likely that more deep learning-based models will be used in the future.
Abstract:The first responder community has traditionally relied on calls from the public, officially-provided geographic information and maps for coordinating actions on the ground. The ubiquity of social media platforms created an opportunity for near real-time sensing of the situation (e.g. unfolding weather events or crises) through volunteered geographic information. In this article, we provide an overview of the design process and features of the Social Media Analytics Reporting Toolkit (SMART), a visual analytics platform developed at Purdue University for providing first responders with real-time situational awareness. We attribute its successful adoption by many first responders to its user-centered design, interactive (geo)visualizations and interactive machine learning, giving users control over analysis.
Abstract:Real-time tweets can provide useful information on evolving events and situations. Geotagged tweets are especially useful, as they indicate the location of origin and provide geographic context. However, only a small portion of tweets are geotagged, limiting their use for situational awareness. In this paper, we adapt, improve, and evaluate a state-of-the-art deep learning model for city-level geolocation prediction, and integrate it with a visual analytics system tailored for real-time situational awareness. We provide computational evaluations to demonstrate the superiority and utility of our geolocation prediction model within an interactive system.
Abstract:Various domain users are increasingly leveraging real-time social media data to gain rapid situational awareness. However, due to the high noise in the deluge of data, effectively determining semantically relevant information can be difficult, further complicated by the changing definition of relevancy by each end user for different events. The majority of existing methods for short text relevance classification fail to incorporate users' knowledge into the classification process. Existing methods that incorporate interactive user feedback focus on historical datasets. Therefore, classifiers cannot be interactively retrained for specific events or user-dependent needs in real-time. This limits real-time situational awareness, as streaming data that is incorrectly classified cannot be corrected immediately, permitting the possibility for important incoming data to be incorrectly classified as well. We present a novel interactive learning framework to improve the classification process in which the user iteratively corrects the relevancy of tweets in real-time to train the classification model on-the-fly for immediate predictive improvements. We computationally evaluate our classification model adapted to learn at interactive rates. Our results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art machine learning models. In addition, we integrate our framework with the extended Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit (SMART) 2.0 system, allowing the use of our interactive learning framework within a visual analytics system tailored for real-time situational awareness. To demonstrate our framework's effectiveness, we provide domain expert feedback from first responders who used the extended SMART 2.0 system.