Abstract:We present the first deep implicit 3D shape model of the female breast, building upon and improving the recently proposed Regensburg Breast Shape Model (RBSM). Compared to its PCA-based predecessor, our model employs implicit neural representations; hence, it can be trained on raw 3D breast scans and eliminates the need for computationally demanding non-rigid registration -- a task that is particularly difficult for feature-less breast shapes. The resulting model, dubbed iRBSM, captures detailed surface geometry including fine structures such as nipples and belly buttons, is highly expressive, and outperforms the RBSM on different surface reconstruction tasks. Finally, leveraging the iRBSM, we present a prototype application to 3D reconstruct breast shapes from just a single image. Model and code publicly available at https://rbsm.re-mic.de/implicit.
Abstract:As we all know, writing scientific papers together with our beloved colleagues is a truly remarkable experience (partially): endless discussions about the same useless paragraph over and over again, followed by long days and long nights -- both at the same time. What a wonderful ride it is! What a beautiful life we have. But wait, there's one tiny little problem that utterly shatters the peace, turning even renowned scientists into bloodthirsty monsters: author order. The reason is that, contrary to widespread opinion, it's not the font size that matters, but the way things are ordered. Of course, this is a fairly well-known fact among scientists all across the planet (and beyond) and explains clearly why we regularly have to read about yet another escalated paper submission in local police reports. In this paper, we take an important step backwards to tackle this issue by solving the so-called author ordering problem (AOP) once and for all. Specifically, we propose AMOR, a system that replaces silly constructs like co-first or co-middle authorship with a simple yet easy probabilistic approach based on random shuffling of the author list at viewing time. In addition to AOP, we also solve the ambiguous author ordering citation problem} (AAOCP) on the fly. Stop author violence, be human.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) quickly evolved as the new de-facto standard for the task of novel view synthesis when trained on a set of RGB images. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of neural scene representations, such as NeRFs, in the context of multi-modal learning. Specifically, we present four different strategies of how to incorporate a second modality, other than RGB, into NeRFs: (1) training from scratch independently on both modalities; (2) pre-training on RGB and fine-tuning on the second modality; (3) adding a second branch; and (4) adding a separate component to predict (color) values of the additional modality. We chose thermal imaging as second modality since it strongly differs from RGB in terms of radiosity, making it challenging to integrate into neural scene representations. For the evaluation of the proposed strategies, we captured a new publicly available multi-view dataset, ThermalMix, consisting of six common objects and about 360 RGB and thermal images in total. We employ cross-modality calibration prior to data capturing, leading to high-quality alignments between RGB and thermal images. Our findings reveal that adding a second branch to NeRF performs best for novel view synthesis on thermal images while also yielding compelling results on RGB. Finally, we also show that our analysis generalizes to other modalities, including near-infrared images and depth maps. Project page: https://mert-o.github.io/ThermalNeRF/.
Abstract:Becoming a (super) hero is almost every kid's dream. During their sheltered childhood, they do whatever it takes to grow up to be one. Work hard, play hard -- all day long. But as they're getting older, distractions are more and more likely to occur. They're getting off track. They start discovering what is feared as simple math. Finally, they end up as a researcher, writing boring, non-impressive papers all day long because they only rely on simple mathematics. No top-tier conferences, no respect, no groupies. Life's over. To finally put an end to this tragedy, we propose a fundamentally new algorithm, dubbed zero2hero, that turns every research paper into a scientific masterpiece. Given a LaTeX document containing ridiculously simple math, based on next-generation large language models, our system automatically over-complicates every single equation so that no one, including yourself, is able to understand what the hell is going on. Future reviewers will be blown away by the complexity of your equations, immediately leading to acceptance. zero2hero gets you back on track, because you deserve to be a hero$^{\text{TM}}$. Code leaked at \url{https://github.com/mweiherer/zero2hero}.
Abstract:To date, the comparison of Statistical Shape Models (SSMs) is often solely performance-based and carried out by means of simplistic metrics such as compactness, generalization, or specificity. Any similarities or differences between the actual shape spaces can neither be visualized nor quantified. In this paper, we present a first method to compare two SSMs in dense correspondence by computing approximate intersection spaces and set-theoretic differences between the affine vector spaces spanned by the models. To this end, we approximate the distribution of shapes lying in the intersection space using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and then apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to its samples. By representing the resulting spaces again as an SSM, our method enables an easy and intuitive analysis of similarities between two model's shape spaces. We estimate differences between SSMs in a similar manner; here, however, the resulting shape spaces are not linear vector spaces anymore and we do not apply PCA but instead use the posterior samples for visualization. We showcase the proposed algorithm qualitatively by computing and analyzing intersection spaces and differences between publicly available face models focusing on gender-specific male and female as well as identity and expression models. Our quantitative evaluation based on SSMs built from synthetic and real-world data sets provides detailed evidence that the introduced method is able to recover ground-truth intersection spaces and differences. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can be easily adapted to also compute intersections and differences between color spaces.
Abstract:We present the Regensburg Breast Shape Model (RBSM) - a 3D statistical shape model of the female breast built from 110 breast scans, and the first ever publicly available. Together with the model, a fully automated, pairwise surface registration pipeline used to establish correspondence among 3D breast scans is introduced. Our method is computationally efficient and requires only four landmarks to guide the registration process. In order to weaken the strong coupling between breast and thorax, we propose to minimize the variance outside the breast region as much as possible. To achieve this goal, a novel concept called breast probability masks (BPMs) is introduced. A BPM assigns probabilities to each point of a 3D breast scan, telling how likely it is that a particular point belongs to the breast area. During registration, we use BPMs to align the template to the target as accurately as possible inside the breast region and only roughly outside. This simple yet effective strategy significantly reduces the unwanted variance outside the breast region, leading to better statistical shape models in which breast shapes are quite well decoupled from the thorax. The RBSM is thus able to produce a variety of different breast shapes as independently as possible from the shape of the thorax. Our systematic experimental evaluation reveals a generalization ability of 0.17 mm and a specificity of 2.8 mm for the RBSM. Ultimately, our model is seen as a first step towards combining physically motivated deformable models of the breast and statistical approaches in order to enable more realistic surgical outcome simulation.