Abstract:Biological intelligence is inherently adaptive -- animals continually adjust their actions based on environmental feedback. However, creating adaptive artificial intelligence (AI) remains a major challenge. The next frontier is to go beyond traditional AI to develop "adaptive intelligence," defined here as harnessing insights from biological intelligence to build agents that can learn online, generalize, and rapidly adapt to changes in their environment. Recent advances in neuroscience offer inspiration through studies that increasingly focus on how animals naturally learn and adapt their world models. In this Perspective, I will review the behavioral and neural foundations of adaptive biological intelligence, the parallel progress in AI, and explore brain-inspired approaches for building more adaptive algorithms.
Abstract:Mapping behavioral actions to neural activity is a fundamental goal of neuroscience. As our ability to record large neural and behavioral data increases, there is growing interest in modeling neural dynamics during adaptive behaviors to probe neural representations. In particular, neural latent embeddings can reveal underlying correlates of behavior, yet, we lack non-linear techniques that can explicitly and flexibly leverage joint behavior and neural data. Here, we fill this gap with a novel method, CEBRA, that jointly uses behavioral and neural data in a hypothesis- or discovery-driven manner to produce consistent, high-performance latent spaces. We validate its accuracy and demonstrate our tool's utility for both calcium and electrophysiology datasets, across sensory and motor tasks, and in simple or complex behaviors across species. It allows for single and multi-session datasets to be leveraged for hypothesis testing or can be used label-free. Lastly, we show that CEBRA can be used for the mapping of space, uncovering complex kinematic features, and rapid, high-accuracy decoding of natural movies from visual cortex.
Abstract:Animal pose estimation is critical in applications ranging from life science research, agriculture, to veterinary medicine. Compared to human pose estimation, the performance of animal pose estimation is limited by the size of available datasets and the generalization of a model across datasets. Typically different keypoints are labeled regardless of whether the species are the same or not, leaving animal pose datasets to have disjoint or partially overlapping keypoints. As a consequence, a model cannot be used as a plug-and-play solution across datasets. This reality motivates us to develop panoptic animal pose estimation models that are able to predict keypoints defined in all datasets. In this work we propose a simple yet effective way to merge differentially labeled datasets to obtain the largest quadruped and lab mouse pose dataset. Using a gradient masking technique, so called SuperAnimal-models are able to predict keypoints that are distributed across datasets and exhibit strong zero-shot performance. The models can be further improved by (pseudo) labeled fine-tuning. These models outperform ImageNet-initialized models.