Abstract:Center-based clustering has attracted significant research interest from both theory and practice. In many practical applications, input data often contain background knowledge that can be used to improve clustering results. In this work, we build on widely adopted $k$-center clustering and model its input background knowledge as must-link (ML) and cannot-link (CL) constraint sets. However, most clustering problems including $k$-center are inherently $\mathcal{NP}$-hard, while the more complex constrained variants are known to suffer severer approximation and computation barriers that significantly limit their applicability. By employing a suite of techniques including reverse dominating sets, linear programming (LP) integral polyhedron, and LP duality, we arrive at the first efficient approximation algorithm for constrained $k$-center with the best possible ratio of 2. We also construct competitive baseline algorithms and empirically evaluate our approximation algorithm against them on a variety of real datasets. The results validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the great advantages of our algorithm in terms of clustering cost, clustering quality, and running time.
Abstract:Despite Graph neural networks' significant performance gain over many classic techniques in various graph-related downstream tasks, their successes are restricted in shallow models due to over-smoothness and the difficulties of optimizations among many other issues. In this paper, to alleviate the over-smoothing issue, we propose a soft graph normalization method to preserve the diversities of node embeddings and prevent indiscrimination due to possible over-closeness. Combined with residual connections, we analyze the reason why the method can effectively capture the knowledge in both input graph structures and node features even with deep networks. Additionally, inspired by Curriculum Learning that learns easy examples before the hard ones, we propose a novel label-smoothing-based learning framework to enhance the optimization of deep GNNs, which iteratively smooths labels in an auxiliary graph and constructs many gradual non-smooth tasks for extracting increasingly complex knowledge and gradually discriminating nodes from coarse to fine. The method arguably reduces the risk of overfitting and generalizes better results. Finally, extensive experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed model and learning framework through comparison with twelve existing baselines including the state-of-the-art methods on twelve real-world node classification benchmarks.