Abstract:Segmentation of the sigmoid colon is a crucial aspect of treating diverticulitis. It enables accurate identification and localisation of inflammation, which in turn helps healthcare professionals make informed decisions about the most appropriate treatment options. This research presents a novel deep learning architecture for segmenting the sigmoid colon from Computed Tomography (CT) images using a modified 3D U-Net architecture. Several variations of the 3D U-Net model with modified hyper-parameters were examined in this study. Pyramid pooling (PyP) and channel-spatial Squeeze and Excitation (csSE) were also used to improve the model performance. The networks were trained using manually annotated sigmoid colon. A five-fold cross-validation procedure was used on a test dataset to evaluate the network's performance. As indicated by the maximum Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 56.92+/-1.42%, the application of PyP and csSE techniques improves segmentation precision. We explored ensemble methods including averaging, weighted averaging, majority voting, and max ensemble. The results show that average and majority voting approaches with a threshold value of 0.5 and consistent weight distribution among the top three models produced comparable and optimal results with DSC of 88.11+/-3.52%. The results indicate that the application of a modified 3D U-Net architecture is effective for segmenting the sigmoid colon in Computed Tomography (CT) images. In addition, the study highlights the potential benefits of integrating ensemble methods to improve segmentation precision.
Abstract:Object appearances often change dramatically with pose variations. This creates a challenge for embedding schemes that seek to map instances with the same object ID to locations that are as close as possible. This issue becomes significantly heightened in complex computer vision tasks such as re-identification(re-id). In this paper, we suggest these dramatic appearance changes are indications that an object ID is composed of multiple natural groups and it is counter-productive to forcefully map instances from different groups to a common location. This leads us to introduce Relation Preserving Triplet Mining (RPTM), a feature matching guided triplet mining scheme, that ensures triplets will respect the natural sub-groupings within an object ID. We use this triplet mining mechanism to establish a pose-aware, well-conditioned triplet cost function. This allows a single network to be trained with fixed parameters across three challenging benchmarks, while still providing state-of-the-art re-identification results.
Abstract:Comprehensive IT support teams in large scale organizations require more man power for handling engagement and requests of employees from different channels on a 24*7 basis. Automated email technical queries help desk is proposed to have instant real-time quick solutions and email categorisation. Email topic modelling with various machine learning, deep-learning approaches are compared with different features for a scalable, generalised solution along with sure-shot static rules. Email's title, body, attachment, OCR text, and some feature engineered custom features are given as input elements. XGBoost cascaded hierarchical models, Bi-LSTM model with word embeddings perform well showing 77.3 overall accuracy For the real world corporate email data set. By introducing the thresholding techniques, the overall automation system architecture provides 85.6 percentage of accuracy for real world corporate emails. Combination of quick fixes, static rules, ML categorization as a low cost inference solution reduces 81 percentage of the human effort in the process of automation and real time implementation.