Omaha State University, USA, University of Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:We investigate the concept of strong equivalence within the extended framework of Answer Set Programming with constraints. Two groups of rules are considered strongly equivalent if, informally speaking, they have the same meaning in any context. We demonstrate that, under certain assumptions, strong equivalence between rule sets in this extended setting can be precisely characterized by their equivalence in the logic of Here-and-There with constraints. Furthermore, we present a translation from the language of several clingo-based answer set solvers that handle constraints into the language of Here-and-There with constraints. This translation enables us to leverage the logic of Here-and-There to reason about strong equivalence within the context of these solvers. We also explore the computational complexity of determining strong equivalence in this context.
Abstract:This paper shows that the semantics of programs with aggregates implemented by the solvers clingo and dlv can be characterized as extended First-Order formulas with intensional functions in the logic of Here-and-There. Furthermore, this characterization can be used to study the strong equivalence of programs with aggregates under either semantics. We also present a transformation that reduces the task of checking strong equivalence to reasoning in classical First-Order logic, which serves as a foundation for automating this procedure.
Abstract:This paper introduces a general framework for generate-and-test-based solvers for epistemic logic programs that can be instantiated with different generator and tester programs, and we prove sufficient conditions on those programs for the correctness of the solvers built using this framework. It also introduces a new generator program that incorporates the propagation of epistemic consequences and shows that this can exponentially reduce the number of candidates that need to be tested while only incurring a linear overhead. We implement a new solver based on these theoretical findings and experimentally show that it outperforms existing solvers by achieving a ~3.3x speed-up and solving 91% more instances on well-known benchmarks.
Abstract:This paper presents a rich knowledge representation language aimed at formalizing causal knowledge. This language is used for accurately and directly formalizing common benchmark examples from the literature of actual causality. A definition of cause is presented and used to analyze the actual causes of changes with respect to sequences of actions representing those examples.
Abstract:Theory of stable models is the mathematical basis of answer set programming. Several results in that theory refer to the concept of the positive dependency graph of a logic program. We describe a modification of that concept and show that the new understanding of positive dependency makes it possible to strengthen some of these results. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
Abstract:ANTHEM is a proof assistant that can be used for verifying the correctness of tight programs in the input language of the answer set grounder GRINGO with respect to specifications expressed by first-order formulas. We define the concept of a locally tight program and prove that the verification process used by ANTHEM is applicable in this more general setting. Unlike tightness, the local tightness condition allows some forms of recursion. In particular, some programs describing effects of actions are locally tight. Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
Abstract:In this work, we show that both logic programming and abstract argumentation frameworks can be interpreted in terms of Nelson's constructive logic N4. We do so by formalizing, in this logic, two principles that we call non-contradictory inference and strengthened closed world assumption: the first states that no belief can be held based on contradictory evidence while the latter forces both unknown and contradictory evidence to be regarded as false. Using these principles, both logic programming and abstract argumentation frameworks are translated into constructive logic in a modular way and using the object language. Logic programming implication and abstract argumentation supports become, in the translation, a new implication connective following the non-contradictory inference principle. Attacks are then represented by combining this new implication with strong negation. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
Abstract:We take up an idea from the folklore of Answer Set Programming, namely that choices, integrity constraints along with a restricted rule format is sufficient for Answer Set Programming. We elaborate upon the foundations of this idea in the context of the logic of Here-and-There and show how it can be derived from the logical principle of extension by definition. We then provide an austere form of logic programs that may serve as a normalform for logic programs similar to conjunctive normalform in classical logic. Finally, we take the key ideas and propose a modeling methodology for ASP beginners and illustrate how it can be used.
Abstract:The language of epistemic specifications and epistemic logic programs extends disjunctive logic programs under the stable model semantics with modal constructs called subjective literals. Using subjective literals, it is possible to check whether a regular literal is true in every or some stable models of the program, those models, in this context also called \emph{belief sets}, being collected in a set called world view. This allows for representing, within the language, whether some proposition should be understood accordingly to the open or the closed world assumption. Several attempts for capturing the intuitions underlying the language by means of a formal semantics were given, resulting in a multitude of proposals that makes it difficult to understand the current state of the art. In this paper, we provide an overview of the inception of the field and the knowledge representation and reasoning tasks it is suitable for. We also provide a detailed analysis of properties of proposed semantics, and an outlook of challenges to be tackled by future research in the area. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
Abstract:We present a general approach to planning with incomplete information in Answer Set Programming (ASP). More precisely, we consider the problems of conformant and conditional planning with sensing actions and assumptions. We represent planning problems using a simple formalism where logic programs describe the transition function between states, the initial states and the goal states. For solving planning problems, we use Quantified Answer Set Programming (QASP), an extension of ASP with existential and universal quantifiers over atoms that is analogous to Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBFs). We define the language of quantified logic programs and use it to represent the solutions to different variants of conformant and conditional planning. On the practical side, we present a translation-based QASP solver that converts quantified logic programs into QBFs and then executes a QBF solver, and we evaluate experimentally the approach on conformant and conditional planning benchmarks. Under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.