Abstract:Varicolored haze caused by chromatic casts poses haze removal and depth estimation challenges. Recent learning-based depth estimation methods are mainly targeted at dehazing first and estimating depth subsequently from haze-free scenes. This way, the inner connections between colored haze and scene depth are lost. In this paper, we propose a real-time transformer for simultaneous single image Depth Estimation and Haze Removal (DEHRFormer). DEHRFormer consists of a single encoder and two task-specific decoders. The transformer decoders with learnable queries are designed to decode coupling features from the task-agnostic encoder and project them into clean image and depth map, respectively. In addition, we introduce a novel learning paradigm that utilizes contrastive learning and domain consistency learning to tackle weak-generalization problem for real-world dehazing, while predicting the same depth map from the same scene with varicolored haze. Experiments demonstrate that DEHRFormer achieves significant performance improvement across diverse varicolored haze scenes over previous depth estimation networks and dehazing approaches.