Abstract:How do neural networks "perceive" speech sounds from unknown languages? Does the typological similarity between the model's training language (L1) and an unknown language (L2) have an impact on the model representations of L2 speech signals? To answer these questions, we present a novel experimental design based on representational similarity analysis (RSA) to analyze acoustic word embeddings (AWEs) -- vector representations of variable-duration spoken-word segments. First, we train monolingual AWE models on seven Indo-European languages with various degrees of typological similarity. We then employ RSA to quantify the cross-lingual similarity by simulating native and non-native spoken-word processing using AWEs. Our experiments show that typological similarity indeed affects the representational similarity of the models in our study. We further discuss the implications of our work on modeling speech processing and language similarity with neural networks.
Abstract:Several variants of deep neural networks have been successfully employed for building parametric models that project variable-duration spoken word segments onto fixed-size vector representations, or acoustic word embeddings (AWEs). However, it remains unclear to what degree we can rely on the distance in the emerging AWE space as an estimate of word-form similarity. In this paper, we ask: does the distance in the acoustic embedding space correlate with phonological dissimilarity? To answer this question, we empirically investigate the performance of supervised approaches for AWEs with different neural architectures and learning objectives. We train AWE models in controlled settings for two languages (German and Czech) and evaluate the embeddings on two tasks: word discrimination and phonological similarity. Our experiments show that (1) the distance in the embedding space in the best cases only moderately correlates with phonological distance, and (2) improving the performance on the word discrimination task does not necessarily yield models that better reflect word phonological similarity. Our findings highlight the necessity to rethink the current intrinsic evaluations for AWEs.