Abstract:Precise measurements from sensors are crucial, but data is usually collected from low-cost, low-tech systems, which are often inaccurate. Thus, they require further calibrations. To that end, we first identify three requirements for effective calibration under practical low-tech sensor conditions. Based on the requirements, we develop a model called TESLA, Transformer for effective sensor calibration utilizing logarithmic-binned attention. TESLA uses a high-performance deep learning model, Transformers, to calibrate and capture non-linear components. At its core, it employs logarithmic binning to minimize attention complexity. TESLA achieves consistent real-time calibration, even with longer sequences and finer-grained time series in hardware-constrained systems. Experiments show that TESLA outperforms existing novel deep learning and newly crafted linear models in accuracy, calibration speed, and energy efficiency.
Abstract:In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have become a highly active area of research, and shown remarkable achievements on a variety of computer vision tasks. DNNs, however, are known to often make overconfident yet incorrect predictions on out-of-distribution samples, which can be a major obstacle to real-world deployments because the training dataset is always limited compared to diverse real-world samples. Thus, it is fundamental to provide guarantees of robustness to the distribution shift between training and test time when we construct DNN models in practice. Moreover, in many cases, the deep learning models are deployed as black boxes and the performance has been already optimized for a training dataset, thus changing the black box itself can lead to performance degradation. We here study the robustness to the geometric transformations in a specific condition where the black-box image classifier is given. We propose an additional learner, \emph{REinforcement Spatial Transform learner (REST)}, that transforms the warped input data into samples regarded as in-distribution by the black-box models. Our work aims to improve the robustness by adding a REST module in front of any black boxes and training only the REST module without retraining the original black box model in an end-to-end manner, i.e. we try to convert the real-world data into training distribution which the performance of the black-box model is best suited for. We use a confidence score that is obtained from the black-box model to determine whether the transformed input is drawn from in-distribution. We empirically show that our method has an advantage in generalization to geometric transformations and sample efficiency.
Abstract:The superior density of passive analog-grade memristive crossbars may enable storing large synaptic weight matrices directly on specialized neuromorphic chips, thus avoiding costly off-chip communication. To ensure efficient use of such crossbars in neuromorphic computing circuits, variations of current-voltage characteristics of crosspoint devices must be substantially lower than those of memory cells with select transistors. Apparently, this requirement explains why there were so few demonstrations of neuromorphic system prototypes using passive crossbars. Here we report a 64x64 passive metal-oxide memristor crossbar circuit with ~99% device yield, based on a foundry-compatible fabrication process featuring etch-down patterning and low-temperature budget, conducive to vertical integration. The achieved ~26% variations of switching voltages of our devices were sufficient for programming 4K-pixel gray-scale patterns with an average tuning error smaller than 4%. The analog properties were further verified by experimentally demonstrating MNIST pattern classification with a fidelity close to the software-modeled limit for a network of this size, with an ~1% average error of import of ex-situ-calculated synaptic weights. We believe that our work is a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art passive crossbar memories in both complexity and analog properties.